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Everything posted by Joemonkey

  1. thanks, i got a good laugh out of that!
  2. Well it looks like Brother is out entirely as a choice, I emailed them again and got this response: Brother Customer: No, Brother machines are not capable of printing a timestamp on the faxes that are received. Sincerely, Facsimile E-mail Support Brother International Corporation, USA [email protected]
  3. haha, YOU come in here and tell the 70 year old lawyers "we're going paperless" And I did have a laptop with an inkjet hooked up after our old fax machine went down and we were waiting on the replacement...
  4. Here is the $310 - $550 price range, but unfortunately there is no "sort by the ability to print a timestamp on incoming faxes option" :) I know for sure the Brother 4100, 4570e, and 5750e do NOT do this, and the Canon 9000L does do this. Other than that I suppose I need to find a few then download their manuals in PDF and check that way... hooray!
  5. thanks i-bystander! I suppose what I need first is a list of faxes that are known to 100% do this, then start looking for a deal.
  6. so now you guys think I faked that email from Brother huh??? I see how it is!!
  7. Laser for sure, our current brother fax machine also uses the same toner as one of the printers we have, so that is always nice. I'm happy with brother, I just don't know if any of their other fax machines do the timestamp on incoming faxes.
  8. Two paper trays, one for 8.5x11 and one for legal size. The current machine has a choice to either shrink down legal to 8.5x11 or to tell it there is legal in the bottom tray and print it full size there. and to fully answer your question, i have no idea how much usage the machine gets, i never fax anything nor do i receive faxes.
  9. oh come on, do you REALLY think I am that dense? There is nothing in the manual, and I emailed Brother as well, here is their response: Brother Customer: Thank you for taking the time to write to us. In reference to your question: Faxes sent should have a name, fax number and telephone number printed on the electronic Cover Page and as the header of every page. The receiving fax machine can not print the station ID information on incoming faxes. If you have any further questions or concerns please let us know. Sincerely, Facsimile E-mail Support Brother International Corporation, USA [email protected]
  10. We have been using a Brother 4100 fax machine since March, and it has worked fine. All of a sudden a lawyer starts freaking out about how it does not print a timestamp on incoming faxes. I figure it isn't a big deal, we have a report that prints out every 50 faxes that shows when they were received. This isn't good enough for said lawyer. So, since "prints timestamp on incoming faxes" isn't exactly an advertised feature, I really don't know how to begin looking. Budget is under $500, plain paper, doesn't have to connect to the network or anything just FAX, and they would prefer it to have 2 paper trays.
  11. Thanks! updated joemonkey.com to get the X with a box around it off there
  12. I had a link on joemonkey.com for the charity total, but now it is a big X on my website. Is there no official banner to link to?
  13. son of a... guy waited until TODAY and it says the coupon has already been redeemed!!!! DOH just saw the 35% off, its still under $900 I would do what Rossman said with the RAM, but he has NO technical ability and will be 1000 miles away when the laptop comes in.
  14. Wow thanks Ross! I'm tempted to jump on that one myself!!
  15. I can't drop the requirements. There is a lawyer here who is leaving for school for a year and these are the requirements straight form the school. He doesn't want to pay over $900, and I told him I would see what I could do. After an hour of looking and customizing I didn't come up with much, but I figured you guys would come to the rescue. I guess I will tell him he needs to up his budget.
  16. Price under $900, needs to have XP Pro, DVD drive, wired ethernet, wireless 802.11g, modem, and come with Microsoft Office. Graphics are no concern, RAM can be 256MB and be ok, HDD size around 30 or 40GB. I'm horrible when it comes to looking for this stuff, and I know someone here enjoys that sort of thing :) Oh, and by 3 links I was hoping to get 3 different manufacturers.
  17. hrm, i never really thought about Ebay, but i'm not sure I trust the used ones..
  18. I have a contract with Cingular already, barely 6 months old, and would like to get one of these phones. The phone costs $650 from Cingular, but if you sign up for a contract and get a mail in rebate it can be had for around $330 from Amazon. Would it be cheaper to cancel my contract and pay the outrageous fee then start a new one and get this phone? I tried looking for one unlocked but did not have much luck.
  19. I've never heard of this store... primarily west coast?
  20. I really don't need another entire seat, and I don't know if I trust a used car seat anyway. I just called babies r us and asked about the base, they said they have 3 in stock but I forgot to ask the price...
  21. Here is the reply I got from baby trend > Our Flexloc bases can be found at Babies R Us and they are compatible > with the Latchloc system...the store # is SKN558144 to facilitate > finding it more easily. babiesrus.com has nothing... and the "local babiesrus" is over an hour drive away!
  22. The no rebate hassle and free shipping is making my trigger finger itchy...
  23. Will do. I called and got routed around for a while until I hit voice mail. They have an information request you can fill out online, hopefully I will get an email soon.
  24. I've looked at Amazon.com, which is pretty much the same as babiesrus. We bought the carseat at babiesrus and it was on clearance, which tells me they aren't getting any more in... I'll try to contact the manufacturer, see what they say.
  25. online is fine, although shipping a large 12 pound item would not be the best idea. We've looked a little local, no one seems to carry just the base
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