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  1. can anyone confirm they were able to order the Navigon 2100 on the staples.com website? I went and stood in line at 530am (yes a bit late) and I didn't get one. Would I have had better luck trying to order online right at 6am?
  2. rh71

    rebate question

    ^ anyone ? I would call but their phones have not been picked up today.
  3. rh71

    rebate question

    so the billing address matters ? They look at the receipt with the billing address on it ? Or is it just the address I'll be writing onto the rebate form ? I've already ordered them online... so I can't change the billing (not that I could with it being tied to my credit cards anyway)...
  4. rh71

    rebate question

    Ordered the Polaroid DVD Player at circuitcity.com 3 times (3 different credit cards, 3 online transactions) but they are all the same home address for billing... but it will be in-store pickup. I know usually the rebates are 1 per household, but we do have 3 home addresses to use when we send away the rebate. Will that work ?
  5. This one's mine baby... thanks guys.
  6. I just checked in on the order and it says status for the lcd: In Production and estimated ship date: 06/02/2005 ... that's umm... pretty far away. Is this Dell's common practice - build them as they're ordered ? I hear of people surprised to get this at their doorstep in 2-3 days, even with ground... And it looks like the 512MB flash drive is backordered... but will ship on 5/25/2005.
  7. Just a heads-up... My subtotal was $281 but when it was all said and done, it came to $318. $22 tax (for CA) $8 state environmental fee $6.50 shipping (even though it showed -$13, it only took off -$6.50) But whatever... my bro should be happy with this...
  8. ahh crap it's been a while since my last math class. Thanks again.
  9. This is for California, so it should be charged, but that's not even figured into the equation yet... this is what I see... http://www.rh71.com/temp/delldeal.gif For whatever reason, it's not actually taking $60 off $311... it's only taking $30. Tried this multiple times in new browser sessions. It's a subtotal of $251 for you guys ?
  10. Thanks for this, but I'm having some trouble getting it down to $251. I can only get it to $281. If I add another item (instead of the 512MB flash memory) to bring the original total above $500, it's only as low as $275 final cost. What am I doing wrong ? (can't seem to paste URL/screenshot)
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