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  1. yep.. got one of those too
  2. the customer service rep on the phone offered that to me
  3. yeah the Keurig is what I had ordered that was cancelled. Picked it up last night at my local store and the girl gave me another 20% off At that price I asked if I could get another one cause I've been wanting one and she said sure so I got 2 of them for 163!! I don't think DH thinks we need one but at that price I wasn't passing it up
  4. Check your orders. Just went to see the status of one I placed on Monday and it was cancelled. Never received an email. Called customer service and they had run out but it was still listed on the website (of course for 30.00 more). Thankfully the rep called my local store and they have a few of what I had ordered so I will be picking it up on my way home tonight but wanted to give y'all a heads up
  5. Slacker... lol.. congrats to you and your family
  6. Got mine Friday morning Got to the store 10 minutes before they opened and was second in line. By the time they opened there were like 15 people behind me lol. Been playing with it all weekend (after I wrestle it away from my son lol) and love it
  7. got all the skylanders except 1 of them Need to set an alarm on my phone for the starter pack on Thursday
  8. sweet!! Thanks
  9. I'm wondering what time I should plan on getting to the sprint store on Friday. DH works thursday night into friday morning so there's no guarantee that he'll be home by 8am which was when I was planning to go out. Hopefully everyone else is still shopping elsewhere lol
  10. me too!!! Last year I was there and got tons of the Recollections cubes and stuff and completely redesigned my craft room CHEAP!!
  11. so excited to see this one... will definitely be stocking up on supplies!!!!
  12. I knew there was something I forgot to ask yesterday.. don't know if I'll be able to be there first thing
  13. I'm trying but anyone who knows me knows that patience IS NOT one of my virtues lol
  14. I'm looking to upgrade to the G SIII and the lady at the sprint store yesterday said that I would be able to get it bf when i renewed my contract. Now to see if I can hold out that long lol
  15. I just started knitting when I was recovering from surgery last winter and I'm telling you youtube was my best friend lol.. I had bought whatever beginner kit walmart had and it came with alot of the stuff I needed but I honestly never opened the book that came with it. I would get them a couple sets of needles (you can get a variety pack of crochet needles pretty cheap with a Michaels/Joann's/Hobby Lobby coupon), some yarn and let them peruse youtube for beginning knitting/crocheting videos and I'm sure they will pick it up in no time
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