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  1. Yes, there are other things in the weekly ad, such as the wrapping paper etc. But I wouldn't technically include them in the BF ad, because they've already been on sale at those prices this year. There are a few BF items that aren't on the list.
  2. Just a hint, chances are Walgreens isn't out of things as often as it may seem. Because we carry so many different products in such a small store there's not always enough room to carry LOTS of an item in the basic location. So, chances are the item you are looking for it either somewhere else in the store or in the stockroom. For example, food items that go on ad (mandarin oranges, mushrooms, cranberry sauce, etc) usually have an entire endstand for those items. Especially around thanksgiving/christmas when there is actually an endstand for special food items like that. If not, then it's almost certain that there is more of the item in the back, different stores are better about stocking the shelf, but I know that at my store we are required to fill the fast moving food items 2x daily. But even that isn't enough sometimes. Also, with the stuff on the 8-hour sale (tide, nuts, etc) the stuff is probably on endstands all over the store, Walgreens wants people to "shop" the store and buy other things while they are in there. If you can't find what you're looking for, ask, we're there to help you. Oh, and the revlon lipstick is not included, I saw the actual ad today...
  3. No doubling coupons. Easy saver this month is for the 100oz bottle, 50oz bottle is on sale. There will be other good sales in that weeks sales ad and the next week. Specifically buy 1 get 2 free on assorted things. Also, based on the things I see coming in I think there a few things missing from the list we have. I suspect, although I have no proof of this, there will also be $.99 revlon lipstick, cheap dvd player, assorted dvd's. Plus a few others Also, the 75% off watches isn't on there. That's a really good deal!
  4. Walgreens will not give you back money if the coupon is for more than the purchase price. In fact, some stores enforce the "not combinable with other offers" and "one per customer", etc, rules... Where did you find tide coupons?
  5. No problem about the delay, I just wanted to make sure this didn't get lost, cause I'm really curious myself.
  6. bump
  7. 24 hour stores absolutely NEVER close. Other store hours vary...
  8. I was looking at this. Were you able to install it yourself? If so, did you have to take your radio out of your dash to hook it up? Do you know if BB installs this, and if so, how much would it be?
  9. yep, that's the same list I had.
  10. Oh, BTW, look for the 300 bulb light strings to be BOGO (buy 1, get one) at $9.99 next week. This is a pretty good price and I'm sure people will need lights.
  11. Another walgreens hint: Almost always the next weeks ad is in a stack behind the "3rd" backup. This is the register that slow stores will almost never use. Just look for the stacks of bundled ads. I doubt anybody will throw a hissy fit if you pick one up and if they do, just say "oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know" (we've never cared at our store). Actually, the best way to shop walgreens ads is late on saturday night. Usually by 6pm the next weeks ad is already activated, if not, the ad tags are at least being hung by employees around the store so they will honor that price. So you can shop 2 ads at one time.
  12. I submitted this list of ad items at 11:40pm. Look for it soon (I assume).
  13. I saw the list today, printed it out, then left it at work. Oops... I can confirm the watches are going to be really cheap, I think the most expensive watch was $13-14. Patriot jar candles buy 1 get 2 free at $7.99. Wrapping paper buy 1 get 2 free at $1.99. Tide 50oz, $1.99. Some foot spas and/or massager's $9.99. Some christmas tress 50% off. Some toys pretty cheap. Sorry, I didn't see the revlon on there, nor any fragrances, however, there was several pages of items that aren't on file yet so I have no way of knowing what those are. I'm guessing they haven't added those UPC's yet because they are items specifically for BF. There will be some good deals, if you're looking for a good deal on a watch, show up early because even if they do give you a rain check I doubt we will get more of them. In the past years some of the sale items at the 24 hour stores go on sale in the middle of the night (before the beginning of the 8 hour sale), so if you're driving by a Walgreens at 2am stop by and have somebody price verify an item to see what it rings up at (they may have fixed this "problem" though). Maybe I'll remember the list at some point.
  14. I work at Walgreen's (shhh, don't tell them I'm here). I've seen the list of items, but I can't find it right now (actually I haven't looked to hard yet). What I do know is the really big item will be some great prices on watches, we were told "take all of the prices out of the watch tower (they're still individually marked) and just keep it full". I've heard it's probably 75% off, but I would say at least 50%. Also, the quattro's are part of the sale. There's some big jar candles (going to be really cheap)... That's all I can remember off the top of my head. But if the past years have been any indication, they will be similar things from the previous years, that have been mentioned already. Oh, and MOST of the stores will give you a rain check on any items, so long as you are there DURING the 8 hour sale. If I see the list again I'll post it. But by that time the add will probably be scanned.
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