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About ryejay98

  • Birthday 10/14/1978
  1. I wish I had the knack (or desire) to decorate a beautiful tree. I pulled out a small 3 ft fake tree and threw some ornaments on it. It's alright, but nothing special.
  2. OMG I love it! I know what I'm bringing for our office party!
  3. Their white glove service for TVs is pretty awesome. Mine arranged a specific time to meet up, brought the TV up, took it out of the box, mounted it on my wall, confirmed it work - and even took out my old TV to the trash room. Gave them $20 for being so nice.
  4. I always remember a roaring fire in the fireplace (even if it was warm) and presents ALL over the family room. Present wise, the only one I really remember was when I get my first NES - I cried for like an hour. We were DIRT poor, and I never expected it in a million years. I asked for it the previous Christmas and did not get it, I asked for my birthday and did not get it, and had lost hope. Best Christmas ever.
  5. $19.99 on Amazon at the moment... http://www.amazon.com/OtterBox-Defender-Case-iPhone-Packaging/dp/B00974L60S/ref=sr_1_1?s=wireless&ie=UTF8&qid=1353417242&sr=1-1&keywords=otterbox+iphone+5
  6. Those looks absolutely adorable, though I'd never eat them lol The pie though, however, I'd scarf down in a heartbeat - may try it this wknd.
  7. I want one soooooooooooo bad. Sent to the BF, but he won't buy it. Meanie.
  8. /e scratches head Shouldn't this be in the general forum?
  9. We usually buy ours from Amazon at roughly 0.45/cup.
  10. Going with a ham, some side dishes, and several deserts. I'm trying to work up motivation for fresh bread, but I'll just buy some rolls.
  11. I actually really enjoy the Green Mountain hot chocolate myself - add a little bit of creamer, and it's super yummy. The teas are garbage though.
  12. I love our Keurig, but it can get real expensive. Then again, we're coffee fiends and shouldn't be using it as our sole coffee machine :)
  13. Not bad - replaced my Pyrex bakeware for under $20.
  14. My XM rant? What the )(*&* happened to commercial free XM?
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