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  1. FBCHD11XMASKH12 10pts exp 12/31/12
  2. This calendar is exclusively for certified Tree Farmers. Please note, if you have not been certified with the American Tree Farm System®, you will not receive a calendar. Thank you for your interest.
  3. FBHA012PR46DY12 10 pts exp: 11/6
  4. FB8THXHAXTW7412 10 pts exp 8/19/12
  5. they've changed the sale price already to $278.78 & after rebate $248.
  6. FBLD229AWE4VB12 10 pts Expires March 6
  7. FBVAL9BD99DAY12 not sure when it expires 10 pts
  8. FB2012NYAFJRYCN 10 pts.... expires 1/16/12
  9. FAC1211PPXHKHND 10 pts.... expires 12/31/11
  10. I believe so, one of my friends asked me to save them for her. Her husband does on line gaming.
  11. this was really informative. I've been debating on the xbox-kinect bundle. I think theses points are also on the Mt Dew cartons currently.
  12. I looked at this on Black Friday because I was planning on buying this for my 3 yr old. After looking at it from the box, it just looked like it was just too much for a 3 yr old. So I didn't get it. I got one of the old fashioned tracks that goes on the floor. I did see it was rated one of the top 10 toys that's why I was looking at & my little guy is a huge hot wheel fan.
  13. FAC1124PPXD36XF 10 pts
  14. CABRANDSVRNOV11 10 pts
  15. FAC911PTXD36Y6J 10 pts
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