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About oliviasmommy

  • Birthday 09/07/1983
  1. I worked at VS a few years ago... their semi-annual is in January... the bras will range anywhere between 9.99 & 19.99 based on the popularity of the bra. Get their early though if you can... as a previous poster mentioned, all the bras are in bins by size & by noon hardly any of the bras are in their correct bins. Just makes it harder for you to look... Have fun :)
  2. i wrap mine as i buy... my husband is very impatient... if i don't wrap as soon as i buy he's bound to tear the house apart looking for his gifts. luckily for me, he's bad at trying to sneak a peak at his already wrapped gifts ... i told him if i can tell he's sneaked a peak than i'll return whatever he looked at. he doesn't try to peak anymore.
  3. Target was my first stop. The employees AND customers at SuperT were so friendly and helpful. One lady that I met while waiting in line picked up a few items for me... The kodak cameras seemed to be the hot item at my Target & they had plenty of people in electronics making sure EVERYONE got one and the costumers waiting were very patient as well. It was a very pleasant experience & I definitely plan to be there again next year.
  4. haven't picked up my paper yet, thanks for the heads up :)
  5. i'll be doing the same. i'll take a shower, dry my hair & then put it up in a ponytail before bed. i toss & turn at night so i'm much more comfortable with my hair back. nothings worse than waking up with a birds nest on your head. :)
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