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Everything posted by tiffbiles

  1. I just called customer service and they said they have turned the birthday code off for the day because of the free shipping.
  2. Does it have a place to put in the code after entering my credit card information? Thanks.
  3. The discounts codes didn't work for me either. But it was still a good deal for some classroom supplies.
  4. My hubby wants a pair of Heelys for school (he teaches drama), but I can't find a men's size 12...any suggestions?
  5. Thank you all so much. Chi it is! I'll be sure to check ebay first. :)
  6. My daughter is eleven and has very wavy, unmanagable hair. She wants it straight and tends to try to make it that way by not rinsing out the conditioner well and running her hands over it all day (yuck!). I want to get her a flat iron, but since this is her first "hair tool" I just want something cheap, but that will be hot enough for really thick hair. Any suggestions?
  7. Rather than use just the regular sized lights (which I wrap near the center) I also use the large globe ones (Walmart had them last year; for inside or outside). Each light is the size of an ornament so it's just beautiful shining through our plate glass window. I also use all white which I think looks classy.
  8. Thanks for all of your help! :)
  9. It's time for me to order some new contacts. I've always used 1800contacts, but I was wondering if there might be someplace cheaper. Thanks so much!
  10. The tote isn't coming up for me any longer (it's charging me $20 for it). I guess I should have jumped on this yesterday.
  11. Does anyone know if Walmart will take "double coupons" if another grocery store in the area has an ad offering it (like Country Mart does daily with their card). I actually have a letter from Country Mart offering this which I could present to Walmart.
  12. I have a set of square white dishes that I bought at Walmart a couple of years ago. I don't know if they still have them or not though.
  13. Has anyone purchased here before and know what shipping runs? I've always wanted to see some of the films "Bollywood" is making, but I'm afraid shipping wouldn't make it worth the $.99 sale price.
  14. I agree with High School Musical. The DVD has both the regular version of the movie AND a sing-along version with the words at the bottom. My ten-year-old just had a slumber party and all 10 of the girls there sang and danced along to every song. It reminded me of being that age and watching the sing-along version of Grease with my friends (who am I kidding...I did that in college too with all of my sorority sisters).
  15. Guess what? I just got a phone call from a very nice young woman apologizing for the pricing mistake. She said that they got hundreds of complaints and negative feedback, and because of that they will honor the $.99 price on all three pair of gloves I ordered (and even offered to send them free of charge in order to keep me as a customer). She said they are a small company who can't afford the negative comments and that they are willing to suck up the loss if I would just remove the negative feedback from Amazon.com. I plan on not only removing the feedback, but replacing it with positive comments
  16. This week at the Hobby Lobby in my city the Christmas trees and ornaments are half off. I got a nice three foot tree for my daughters' room, regularly priced $20, on sale for $10, and half off made it $5! After buying dozens of 1/2 off ornaments for it, it was still less than $10total.
  17. Just a few minutes ago I thought I saw a thread about stocking caps or beanies pop up under online deals, but before I could look at it it disappeared. Am I crazy or was it deleted for some reason?
  18. Great stocking stuffers! Too bad they are out of white and maize. I ordered silver and leaf. Thanks!
  19. What a great deal! My father-in-law is a mechanic and the phone is his shop in ancient...half duct tape and half motor oil. This will be a great Christmas gift for him! :)
  20. I love when they do this! My husband gets so embarrassed that I want to try each and every thing, but I figure that's what it's there for. I can't wait to go tomorrow! Thanks!
  21. I got the Raging Raptor for my daughters and yesterday I got my husband a new DVD recorder off of Woot. Both were great deals. I think I've gone a little overboard though because I just bought a "bag of crap". Any ideas on what comes in these things usually? I was hoping for some stocking stuffers.
  22. It's only after I gave them my credit card number for the shipping, and the order was processed, that I got this message: Thank you! Your engine request has been received. Please print this confirmation page for your own records, and send your register receipt/proof of purchase to the address below. Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery of your Thomas & Friends™ Wooden Railway Hard at Work Percy & Mail Car set. Order Number: XXXXXXXXX Send receipts/proof of purchase to: Learning Curve Thomas & Friends Program 2021 9th St SE Dyersville, IA 52040-2316
  23. Thanks so much. You really can't beat that deal. My daughters will love it. I hope it makes it here before Halloween.
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