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Posts posted by christmasangel

  1. I have a hard time stopping! I try to set a dollar amount but then if I find something for my SIL for $10 on a sweet deal I feel like I need to buy her more to get up to get up to the set amount.

    I'm done with my nephew this year and spent about $20 on him. As much as I keep seeing cute things for him, I have to stop. DONE DONE DONE.


    I'm a bargin shopper (arent we all on here?! LOL) so normally I can make my Christmas money streach pretty good.


    My plan this year is to buy one gift every or every other pay period so it doesnt hit us all at once.

  2. I'm thinking of making a rag wreath for my MIL and maybe my Mom too. There are two different styles that you can do. One you make on a wire coat hanger and the other is more full and done on a straw wreath.






    You can either do them in holiday colors or maybe just some nice colors that will match their decor so they can have it hang year round.

  3. Good deal, but I would ALWAYS recommend the black ones (premier) rather than the red ones. You can boil spaghetti sauce without staining or discoloring.


    For what it is worth. They are slightly more expensive but after we received a set of the premium (black) ones as a gift we got rid of everything else we had and bought another set.




    I looked at walmart.com and premiers are not a good deal ($25 for 20pc set) but keep an eye out for sales I think we got ours at Target for $11 or $14. It is slightly cheaper at target.com ($23) but when they are on sale they can be 50% off.



    I agree, try to wait for the black ones to go on sale. They are AMAZING!:cheesy:

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