I'm 37 years old; wife is 36. Both of us believe. Really. He doesn't come to our house anymore (but our holidays are always plentiful). There is real magick around this time of year. Blessings of the season.
I've been looking for the DC17. Best deal I've found is Amazon has it for $524 shipped if you use the NOVSAVER code (good through the end of Nov). Best Buy had a 12% coupon come out (which I think just expired). It would have lowered the price to $530 if you consider tax in my area (Dallas).
Does anyone have a Lenscrafters $100 off coupon? I know that they regularly alternate betwen $75 off and $100 off coupons, and the currently offered coupon is $75 off. Just wondering if there is another source for the $100 coupon?
thanks, Stephen