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  1. I took advantage of the SAMs Club deal last Saturday, upgraded my iPhone and got $250 gift card. Anyone know if there will be any similar offers BF so I can upgrade other phones on my account?
  2. Thank you for all the awesome info on this site!!! So excited for BF again this year!!
  3. Ladyberg

    Nook Color

    Got my nook tablet, and it is awesome!! Our Walmart had 36 of them, so I was able to get both mom and sis each one!! Excited!!!!
  4. Ladyberg

    Nook Color

    haven't heard much about the 99 dollar Nook Color. Do you think it will be a hot item? I need two, for mom and sister. Anyway, just wanted to know what everyone thinks about the Nook and the price and my chance to get one, or maybe two. thanks, Happy Thanksgiving, and good luck to everyone on Black Friday!!!
  5. Good price on McAfee!!
  6. Does anyone know much about that wifi router for 25? Is it a good brand? I'm in need of a new one!!! Thanks!!
  7. I couldn't log in either:( was disappointed..
  8. Not heard anything yet, but that's what I'm looking for as a gift for my mom! I have nook color and it is awesome!!!!
  9. Most disappointing year ever. Been a BF'er for countless years, and usually walk away with at least one item on the list. Not the case this year, and started out earlier than ever. 10:30 at WalMart, had a small budget this year, so small goals.....the cheap Wii and DS games, didn't get even one i wanted! The lady who got there first, 9pm she announced to all of us, kept her buggy parked in front of the display, wouldn't move it, and took orders from all of her friends for what they wanted (who were not in line). She grabbed everything, 3 and 4 of each game, and our WM only had 4 of each game, which also made me mad!!! You would think they could at least stock 10 or 20 of each game. Totally disheartened this year, don't know if I will even try next year. I love reading everyone's posts though and seeing what everyone got!!! You guys cheered me up!!! Love Gottadeal!!! Definitely the best BF site on the internet!!!!! Merry Christmas everyone!!!
  10. Because it means Christmas is coming! Love checking gottadeal !
  11. I live in Niceville!!!! Kmart is great and small town, but sometimes they don't get a large number of the items, so only a few will get the items. But I'm there early so it usually works!! Go eagles!!:)
  12. Yeah!! I did task number 3!!! http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1190730511&v=box_3&ref=profile I also follow you on twitter, but only have 4 followers.... Thanks, Laura
  13. Want to thank you too!!! I enjoy reading everyone's posts just as much as checking out the ads. Awesome site!!!!!! Thank you!!!!
  14. Thank you, I will try there.
  15. Sorry if this is in wrong place. I am trying to find some seat covers and accessories for my daughter for Christmas. They are called "tribal turtle" by Bell. WalMart in my area only has the steering wheel cover and I want to get mainly the seat covers, but would like the whole set if anyone has seen them online or in their walmart, please let me know. Thanks for your help!!
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