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Everything posted by amandamarie00

  1. Will this be offered online as well?
  2. I was just online at Wal-Mart.com and I noticed that the price of the women's cashmere sweater went up to $39.88. Wasn't it in the ad for $29? Why would they increase the price of something on Black Friday? I might be heading out to the physical store after all.
  3. My boyfriend is participating in a Toys for Tots Motorcycle Run this weekend. What would be some "cool, hip" toys to get for kids that they would really like? There's no age range, but I would think that older kids would be best, since they get left out sometimes. Oh, and I wouldn't want it to be too expensive (< $50), or require a bunch of extras (like games or attachments). Thanks!
  4. I usually pick "angels" off of trees that have elderly people on them. Everyone wants to buy toys for little kids, but older people may not have a family to spend time with on Christmas. Usually their requests are very reasonable. Last year, I had 3, and got them a blender, toaster, and curling iron. Sometimes they will ask for perfume or slippers. My mom used to work in a nursing home, and I always thought it was so sad that some residents would sit around by themselves on holidays.
  5. We have BB Online. I really like it because it comes with a coupon to rent in the store once per week. That way, if you just crave a certain movie, you can just go get without waiting for it to mail. I think BB is a better value.
  6. Hmmm, I'm not even sure. Boyfriend, Dad, Boyfriend's parents, Boyfriend's siblings (2), Boyfriend's nephew, and around 15 little presents for co-workers. That makes 7 major ones, and 15 smaller ones. I don't have much family, and no kids, so our list is pretty small! Oh, and our dog (our son), and my dad's dog and cat (my brothers!).
  7. We will be using a real tree for the first time EVER this year. I finally decided to take the plunge and see how it turns out. Anyway, being a tree novice, I was wondering if anyone had any tips they would like to share. We'll be going to a tree farm close to town, and they let you pick your tree and "chop" it down. When should we go get it? How do we bring it home? Any tips regarding stands and watering? Any/all info will be appreciated. Thanks!
  8. This will be my 4th. I never did before due to lack of $$ and parents who didn't want to be out early. Since I've been on my own, I've learned to love bf.
  9. I don't usually use a cart. I only go after a few items, and they're usually not the really popular ones that everyone else is after. I might use a cart later in the day when I go to Target, and things are calmed down a little.
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