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Everything posted by Snatta

  1. The link on the $1799 Philips 42 HD ready Plasma set isn't working for me. Anyone know the exact product number for this at CC? Also, how do you get a 10% off coupon?
  2. What is the model # of the Philips Plasma HDTV that is supposed to be on sale for $1799? The link doesn't work for me. And, how do you get one of those 10% off coupons? I think that the Philips crt projector is $799, so it is $100 less than the Toshiba at Sears and Best Buy. I am having a hard time getting any opinions on the lower priced HD sets. Seems like most people are buying the more expensive HDTVs. I have checked a few HD forums, and not much talk on the Toshiba.
  3. Mays Landing, NJ
  4. Do people camp out all night at Sears stores that are part of an inside Mall? My Sears store has 3 entrances from the outside, and 1 Mall entrance. If so, do they give tickets out in advance for certain items before the doors open? I was wondering how they would do that with 3 entrances. I figure I might have better luck going to Sears to get an HDTV than going to Best Buy. Most people will go to Best Buy for the electronic stuff, so there will probably be much more people competing for some of the same stuff. People that are going to Sears might be looking to get other stuff besides electronics. Any thoughts on this? Thanks.
  5. Your post says price matching the following day for the previous days price. That means to me, going there on the Saturday after Black Friday and getting Black Friday's price. I want to go to Sears now and pay whatever the price is currently, and then on Black Friday go there in the morning(not 6AM) and get it price matched at the current Black Friday price. Is this what you asked Best Buy, and they said no?
  6. Snatta

    Price Matching?

    Can you buy a item now at it's current price, and then go back to the store and price match it to the Black Friday sale price. I believe Sears has a good price match policy, and I would like to get an HDTV that is going to be on sale on Black Friday but don't want to have to get in line at midnight and hope they still have tickets available for their current stock. This seems to easy to do, but if Sears says their policy is that if you buy the TV now, we will guarantee to price match plus 10% if you find it at a cheaper price, then it shouldn't matter if it is a Black Friday sale price or not. Plus, these Black Friday items are not supposed to be known until next week.
  7. Are Black Friday sale items like the Toshiba 51HC85 able to be price-matched? If so, then I could save myself having to get in line early in the morning to try and get one of theses HD sets next Friday and go to Sears or Best Buy now and buy it. This seems to easy to do, so I am guessing there is something in the fine print on Black Friday sales that say no price matching.
  8. TvBob, Someone on the AVS Forum told me that how a CRT RP set ends up looking in your home has a lot to do with how much rattling it has endured in the shipping process. And that a well calibrated CRT RPTV is very nice to look at and can easily hold its own and more against the digital RP displays. My question is how is this calibrating done? Do you just adjust all the on screen settings once you get the TV, or if the set is rattled during shipping the setting adjustments won't help any and you would need a service call to fix the picture quality. Thanks.
  9. Anyone have any opinions on how good the 51HC85 HD-Ready set is? Is this Toshiba unit just a bargain basement HD set, or is it a set that will be able to handle/view HD content for at least the next 5 years? How will the SD analog & digitial channels look. I am a little confused on what CrystalScan HDSC (All time 1080i) with User Selectable 540p means. I thought most HD sets have 480i, 480p, and 720p as well as 1080i. I will be using a Comcast Dual DVR/HD Capable box, and I don't think it has any picture setting for 540p. I know it has its own scaler though. I thought many HD programs right now are shown in 720p. I get the following HD channels: ABC-NBC-CBS-FOX-WB-ESPNHD-Comcast Sportsnet HD-INHD-INHD2-HBOHD-PBS-Disc.HD. Will these channels look like they are supposed to with just the 1080i or 540p? Also, how will the picture quailty of DVDs look on this set? And, how does this set compare with a Sony RPLCD unit like the 50A10. Right now the Best Buy web site has this set for $1799.99. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated.:) Thanks!
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