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About Mikesgirl

  • Birthday 10/25/1972
  1. I called them and complained about this. As I only use cash. Told them I will happily go to United to buy groceries if they didnt figure it out. If enough people call they will fix this issue
  2. I need to find my daughter one. Must be quad core with minimum 16gb rams. She is mechanical engineering major and that's what the software requires. She would prefer 13.3inch and a 2 in 1. I would like to see a price if no higher than $700(dreaming I know)
  3. the price on the xbox 360 for $129.99 is not working
  4. spending the time with my Dh and Momma
  5. Glad to hear you are starting to feel better..
  6. I got walmart to match their ad as well and the CSM had no clue it was a misprint or a price change.. I picked it up yesterday thanks to this thread. :-)
  7. Thank You
  8. Does the map ever so the location of the Video game pallet???
  9. I pre-ordered my mom the new Kindle Touch.
  10. Forza 4 is a microsoft game its XBOX only.. HTH
  11. Thank You Brad
  12. PDF isnt working this is what i get.. 404 Not Found Code: NoSuchKey Message: The specified key does not exist. Key: blackfriday/scans/GottaDeal-SearsOutlet-BF2011.pdf RequestId: E812C987FAA93CD4 HostId: LcOU8wFbyopol2tFOWhuUsmkNJRVYImD7XxpdD0yc07gKyrbBK2Y7ScOWL47UETa
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