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Posts posted by lafevem

  1. On another site I discovered this was a code given to someone who had a problem with a previous order. A ton of people on that site were able to get in before the code cancelled, but when they were checking their order histories, they orders were gone. Several had also gotten emails stating this was a code for a specific person and their orders would not be honored.
  2. Our chuch is having a Christmas Eve service so we will be there. My dh is an audio/visual engineer and takes care of all thing audio/video related at our church so we are there every times the door is open. It is really sad for me to see that lots of people had bad experiences during youth or they see church as boring. I think you should look for a church that is invigorated and excited to share the message of Christ's love. My children range in age from 5-15 with one more on the way, and they all can't wait for church each week. My teenager loves her youth group and it is where she has made her best friends. They always have some cool activity going on (paint ball, movies, etc) and it has been a real help for my dh and I in keeping her on the straight and narrow. Try church again if you haven't been for a while and look for an excited congregation!
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