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  1. So will they only give a rebate for one of the DVD-/+R products? I got both hoping that I'd get a rebate on each
  2. If there's a good deal at BB next year, camp out over nite (or at least get there by 1am :))
  3. I'm still thinking... $10?
  4. c-prompt


    One laptop was $500 out the door, one was way more than $500. I don't see why you guys are trying to compare the two.
  5. c-prompt


    what laptop is "so much better" but only 150 more? :)
  6. c-prompt


  7. So I was in line at Best Buy for the killer Toshiba deal, HD, 512 Memstick, and DVD+R Discs. I got all but the toshiba, but I went through hell to get it. I got there at about 4.30 and I was not too far back in-line. As time passed, it only got colder. Then, at about 5.45, the power went out all on the east side of Bloomington, so BB, Wal-Mart, OD, and more were all shutdown. We had to wait another 45 minutes for them to get the grid back up after 6.00. Luckily, lots of people left, but I'm assuming most of the people that left already had tickets for the laptop and such, so I'm still in a bad position. I'm hoping to swing by at about 12.10 to see if there are any laptops left, but I'm not going to get my hopes up. I was really hoping on that lappy
  8. I have a feeling you're gonna regret making this thread :)
  9. I'm gonna go with "nope". Get a better camera online (Pricegrabber) for the same price.
  10. ipod. done :)
  11. Pricegrab all those cameras. I haven't found one camera that's cheaper at a BF sale compared to an online price.
  12. c-prompt

    CC on-line

    Yep, I got a BFG GeForce 6800GT from BB when they were on sale a while ago for $400 with taxes and all. Pretty sweet card :) I wanan get the 9800pro for my brother.
  13. c-prompt

    CC on-line

    They had the 9600XT, not 9800Pro. Big difference there
  14. Can you order the Teon from Staples online starting tomorrow (or tomorrow at 6am)? It doesn't say anything about in-store only on their website.
  15. I don't know, there just isn't anything spectacular. I'd look online for cameras instead of in the store. You'll find much better deals, even superior to BF deals.
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