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  1. normally a regular meal. unless im having thanksgiving at my house,, then im to busy getting the tables and chairs and setting up.(very BIG family)
  2. well on wednesday kids east free or cheap ..i dont recall which it is.. just like on tuesdays there are SEVERAL resturants kids eat free at.
  3. small kitchen appliances... and recordable cds.dvrs.
  4. on i must go with out stopping for a meal. i know i was warned on the site "gottadeal"
  5. your talking in average of 10$ a person... well if you spend like 300 on each of the big ones its still over 5$actually over 6.
  6. my guess would be bf for something like that...but for xmas items or toys maybe after xmas ...////but dont base your timeof purchase on what i think ...i very well could be wrong
  7. how many people coming to the party?
  8. able

    charity gift trees

    you can surely say that again!
  9. wow great idea...i would imagine you meant for young children...but i think this might be great for adults to do for the parents...now the hard thing would be convinceing my bros and sis's to go in and do it.
  10. with 2 of you there it shouldnt be an issue.. if you were alone..you might be more apt to lose your place
  11. get a paper!!! you can all lok through the flyers! lol thats what we do! but we often play board games and all...though thanksgiving is the one holiday we all call it quits earlier on...due to the need to be up in am.
  12. i think kids just want them to have them...to be cool.. or to have whats in...i myself would think 9 si way to young UNLESS they are frequently left somewhere without an adult
  13. i dont understand... why would the organization that you get them through set a limmit?i am sure the family is very greatful for all you do. if you want to make a less fortunate family very very happy on a holiday,bless you and you should be able to...
  14. or a good weapon,,, kidding!!! as for what to do...many stores have an overhang if your near the front of the line.
  15. fruit salad...or a fruit tray with pudding for a dip...or fluff dip
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