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  1. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0037UT3E4?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&th=1 Usually $24.99
  2. For the new driver in your life https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01GFB2WZS/ref=ox_sc_sfl_title_12?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A3BIBD4THJ69F3
  3. Never thought of it.. . but now I am! I could use new sunglasses!
  4. I placed an order for the 3ds xl too.
  5. Crazy that today's prices were different in store and online... We ended up ordering online in the store and hanging out at the mall longer than expected. Picked up the projector and used the 15% off coupon. Hadn't planned on getting it or is have ordered earlier [emoji3]
  6. Shirt arrived today, perfect timing!!! And my first deal of the season. Thanks Brad!
  7. It's like date night for my husband and I.
  8. conj

    Nintendo 3DS XL

    looks like the older one - but I am interested as well!
  9. we have 2 trees at work. one in each main lobby. For years I've been participating with my office - but I just switched jobs, and offices, so this will be all new.
  10. Do the younger ones live at home? You could open gifts with them on Christmas Eve (or Dec 26)and avoid unnecessary arguments. I do agree with those above - they are grown men, time to act like it. The season is about generosity and family. Not about counting and coveting.
  11. So.. DD wants a galaxy S6. i saw Best buy had them today for 1$ with a 2 yr contract. (she is eligible for an upgrade). Is there any reason I should wait? I do not want to pay a monthly installment... I'd be willing to commit to 2 yrs - since we've been doing it this way for years..... Input? UPDATE - If I looked at the ads I would see it is 1C on BF too.. I guess i can wait
  12. thank you for the time conversion!
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