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About phatferd

  • Birthday 05/29/1984
  1. More studios are supporting Blu-Ray. Blu-Ray can have uncompressed audio and video. HD-DVD is forced to compress some audio to fit data on their smaller disks (data storage, not physical). Blu-Ray is outselling media 2:1 for the year and has outsold HD-DVD since inception. Blu-Ray has not lost a single week in media sales. The writing is on the wall. Also BR is doing the 5 free movie deal as well.
  2. 15% is no longer offered, it's 10% now.
  3. I get 30% off to BR and I have never bought anything from BR, it's just way too expensive. I haven't bought anything from the Gap either, come to think of it.
  4. I can't complain about the company either. They are great. I have been lucky and had good general managers and store managers though. I've talked to people who have had a bad manager and it brings the whole store down. My favorite part about working there is there is no dress code for the most part. I can grow my 5 o' clock shadow out and wear jeans and a t-shirt if I want. I love it when I'm coming from class, I don't have to run home and change.
  5. Old Navy discounts work like this: - unlimited 20%, can be used as gifts for others including gift cards - 4 40% off a month on tops or bottoms, basically anything that isn't an accessory. - 1 50% off a month on a specific item chosen by corporate. You don't know until the beginning of the month what the item is. At Gap and BR you get 4 30% a month.
  6. I work at Old Navy in Phoenix and my managers found some boys jeans in upstock that they had no idea were there. They put them on sale for $3.97 a piece, so I bought my little brother 3 pairs for Xmas. Add my 20% discount and it was really cool.
  7. They say they won't, but I have seen customers in the store complain enough to a manager to get it matched.
  8. I am in Phoenix going to ASU and my friends want to come out, but they can't afford the airfare (too late to do the 21 day in advance deal). They will be coming from SoCal. I assume Southwest is our best option, but who knows. Does anyone know if there are secret deals that the average person isn't aware of?
  9. I'm not trying to get into a flame, but I am curious about one thing. How can you speak on the OP behalf? He asked for opinions, did he not? I provided my experiences, and mine includes using both, which I feel is more valid than some who have only used one. If you haven't noticed or read, I have found 2 services that fit my needs. The In-store plans at Hollywood and Blockbuster. I have my needs, you have your's, does that mean I have to settle for something? All I am asking for from Netflix and BBonline is that they live up to their end of the bargain. If I pay money for "unlimited DVDs" then I want unlimited DVDs. I don't want them limiting them. If they say upfront that you will begin seeing delays after 15 DVDs in a month, then I wouldn't have a problem. They don't do this, though. I was only trying to let the OP know everything I know and have experienced so he/she can take everything in and make their own decision based on as much information as possible. Don't you as a consumer want to know everything about a product before you buy? I know I do and I know I am not alone.
  10. With Netflix I used it for 3 months. I got 22, 17, 17. BBonline, 21, 16, 16 these are without the 2 in-store so you can add 2. I did the blockbuster in-store program for 1 month around Xmas last year (got a gift card for $20 and used it towards that so it was free for me b/c the first month was like $18 back then) and I got 35 movies. This was with 2 out at a time. I was between semesters at school and my work schedule was pretty lax at that time so I was able to watch a lot. A lot of times I would go back the same day and get new movies.
  11. You're lucky. I am not allowed to use the coupons for video games anymore. I am cancelling my service by the end of the month because I have gone to the in-store plan, but I haven't been allowed to use my 2 coupons on games since the end of November. I was told that its not good for games anywhere. Its a new company policy, so I am suprised you are allowed to.
  12. The person asked, I provided them with useful information. Throttling is a huge issue and the person who wants to know how the services are should know. I have used both for 3 months at a time. I was a customer and I was providing my experiences. It's such a big issue that there is a class action lawsuit against Netflix right now under the condition that they are in breach of contract.
  13. I just started working there a week ago. Great place to work too.
  14. The reason you aren't noticing it is because you aren't on their "list". If you're basically getting 3 movies for the week (watch them on the weekend, get the news ones around Tues or Wed, then watch them on the weekend), you simply aren't watching enough for them to care. I personally watch at least a movie a night or sometimes 2. I always watch a movie as I fall asleep at night. I have a roomate who shares it with me, so we usually have a 24 or 48 hour turnover and after the 3rd week of using Netflix and BBonline our shipments slowed down dramatically. We used it for 3 months and ever since the 3rd week they kept us on the "throttle" list and delayed our shipments the entire time.
  15. They are only protecting their bank account. They spin it to make it sound prettier than it is. If I pay for a service, I expect it to be provided. They say you can rent unlimited DVDs for a price. If I pay the price, I deserve to get as many DVDs as I can without them slowing down the process on purpose. They have come out on record saying that they hold movies back if people rent too many. I experienced it, which is how I came about the information. I wanted to know why all of a sudden my shipments were slowed down dramatically. I researched and discovered that they throttle their shipments. They aren't living to their end of the bargain. They say an unlimited amount of DVDs, however, it is limited. You told me that it's stupid to think they hold movies back and cited that its due to a bunch of factors like post office, wharehouses, etc... That is just not the case. They purposely choose not to put the DVD in the mail for a day or two, to slow down your pace because they are spending more money on shipping then you are paying them.
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