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  1. Just an FYI - in past years, I have loaded up on dvd and blu-rays when Best Buy's BF sales opened online. Was just checking some of the early sales and found out that their shipping policy has changed since I did this last. (This may be old news, as I usually just go to the store throughout the year on a normal basis, but...) They are now charging a per item shipping charge for movies. So, those $1.99 movies are actually $4.98 each with shipping. All of a sudden, the other stores ads are looking better... (except for the Lego movie, of course). Held off on my preorder of the Guardians of the Galaxy steelcase when I saw it was going to be in the sale, but they decided to do it early, and they are already all gone. Looking like there may not be any deals at Best Buy for me after all. :/
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