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Posts posted by crystalhicks

  1. :sidesplit Has anyone ever sent anyone on a scavenger hunt for their Christmas gift? I need some ideas if you have. I have bought my husband a weight bench set and it is hid at his grandmothers house who only lives a few blocks from us so I want to send him on a fun little scavenger hunt to find it....any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
  2. well...we have three kids ages 13 months, 4 1/2, and 10....we said we were only going to spend about 200 per child (except the 13 month old) and we have already spent that and still have several more things to get them so it looks like it will be closer to 300 -350 each (for the older two)....
  3. I will be wearing a knee length skirt, lace top, 3" heals, make-up, and have my hair done..... :flirt:




    But you would be suprised at how many people I have seen all dressed up like they are going to prom or a wedding.... I will just have on jeans, sweatshirt, and tennis shoes and probably hair in a ponytail with just a little makeup....but will have to shower before I leave b/c if I didn't you could fry an egg on my head...my hair is oily if not washed daily....:fryingpan:egg::yuck:



  4. There was a thread earlier that said that xbox 360 have about 100-1000 depending on which store you shop at. If you want one for yourself then by all means run out and get one now but if your planning to resell it on ebay it won't go for as much as everyone was thinking.


    I just saw one go for 2200.00 on ebay and some have BIN for 2499.99... that is insane

  5. I just saw on ebay the XBOX 360's are selling for major $$$ the one I saw is at 1925.00 w/ 6 minutes left.....why didn't I know they would sell like this?? I would have bought one!!!:2dollar: :2dollar: :2dollar:
  6. I will be wearing a knee length skirt, lace top, 3" heals, make-up, and have my hair done.....:flirt:




    But you would be suprised at how many people I have seen all dressed up like they are going to prom or a wedding.... I will just have on jeans, sweatshirt, and tennis shoes and probably hair in a ponytail....

  7. Well...I just checked the ad again and within the past 5 minutes it has changed. The 1st ad I saw is still there with the computers at 488.00 but now there are the other two ads and one is listing the laptop at 378.00.
  8. Has anyone seen Amazing Amanda on sale during BF for less than 89.99? Just making sure before I go and buy it!! AND.... does anyone already have this and is it worth it? Thanks in advance for the help... :)
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