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Posts posted by ejpoeta

  1. we got the acer from target. the netbooks are great if you have wifi and a network you can share stuff. they don't have a cd rom or dvd player or anything on them. i guess it just depends on what you want it for. my husband has a netbook and loves it. i have a regular desktop pc with external with all the files on it and he can access them through our network.
  2. I started looking through the ad and then realized that the sale started at 10 pm Thursday night and I didn't go much farther. I think this is becoming one of my biggest pet peeves and if the sales continue to get earlier and earlier I think I'll just bow out. I enjoy black friday on you guessed it Friday. Once you start rolling into Thursday then it starts eating into my family time. I don't mind going without a lot of sleep but I need to sleep sometime yk?

    omg do i agree with you. this is getting ridiculous with stores starting on thanksgiving and some opening at 3am!! wtf! i like a deal as much as the next person but i can't go trapsing all over on thanksgiving and i hate to see next year!

  3. For anyone who isn't sure how to add pictures.... go to where the image is and right click on it. You should have the option to copy image location. Now you come back here and click on the picture icon and paste the image location. you should then have an image in your post. I hope this helps.
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