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About bigjimslade

  • Birthday 09/19/1979

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  1. I am back and ready. Oh here is where I was this summer. Fun times!
  2. My sources say that Bentonville may follow suit next year. I have been told by my sources that Brian and Doug talk often.
  3. Breaking News! https://www.cnbc.com/2021/11/22/target-will-keep-stores-closed-on-thanksgiving-for-good.html
  4. Who wants to hear a fun fact? Some of you know that I work in the motion picture business in theatrical exhibition. It is getting hard to program Home Alone in theaters since 20th Century Fox is now owned by Disney. I have talked to several theater bookers in the last month who have said it is getting harder to program Home Alone. So if your local theater is showing it go see it.
  5. I love my ring alarm system. Keep an eye out on Amazon since Ring is an Amazon company.
  6. I am dying for the Williams Funeral Home black friday ad.
  7. Anyone notice no deals on movies? All are Buy 2 get one free. I called one of my studio reps and they tell me that a lot of the movies are sitting on ships in the pacific.
  8. I was in Sam's Club this morning in North Texas and noticed something I have not seen before. A lot of items had two prices. One price was everyday price and the other price was if you used the Scan and Go app. The Scan and Go price was anywhere $1-$5 dollars cheaper. Just to give an heads up.....
  9. Here in North Texas a lot of holes at WM, Target, Sams and Costco.
  10. I have the new Galaxy Classic 4 watch and I love it. The battery life is good. You have to charge it everyday if you wear it daily. Love the health features on it too.
  11. I think anything in life everything changes and evolves due to society and technology. I do agree that waiting in line and BF camping is a thing of the past. I also agree that things wont go back to normal as long as covid is here but we are getting back to a new normal soon. Two things will have to happen....... One......The people will have to demand that the retailers do more in store then online. You can see this happening with the retail workers demanding the store remain closed on Thanksgiving and the store saying they will be closed on Thanksgiving. Two...Doug McMillon in Bentonville and Brian Cornell in Minneapolis will have to come up with some creative ideas to get people back into the stores. What will that look like? Only offering certain items only in store, creating an in store event and other ways to bring in foot traffic. None of this can be done with the current supply chain issues that we have.
  12. vinyl records and BBQ stuff
  13. I do all kinds of BBQ. Been doing BBQ for about 15 years now. I am in North Texas so I have access to everything. I am a brisket and rib guy. I have a Trager Ironwood, PK 360 and a off set smoker. Would LOVE that. I am willing to do it. Thanks for the kind words everyone.
  14. Not really....... Here is what happened. In 2015 I got into a serious relationship with a woman and it was going great. She loved me for me. Without giving many details out we were engaged to me married. One of her close family members googled me and found all of the Black Friday stuff. She convinced the woman I was going to marry that I was out for her money since I did Black Friday. After that things got bad and we broke up. I was devastated and it took me a long while to go over it. So I focused on my business and BBQ. As my time was being eaten up by growing my business I had little time to do other stuff like this, my stamp collection and such. My business grew and grew. For those who follow my business on the gram you know I travel a lot to film festivals and film events. It was not until 2019 when I came on here and saw people missed me and what I did really meant a lot to them. I felt bad. This year I took some meetings at a home office in a Northwest Arkansas town and several of the associates of said home office came up to me and asked if I was Big Jim Slade. That is when I knew what I did and what Brad does here is very special. I did tell them yes and they told me that they liked the webcast, the site and my thoughts on sales. As I said I did not know or realize how important the webcasts were and my thoughts were valued by everyone here. So accept my apologies. I have always been a behind the scenes guy and I loved helping Brad out since he is a great guy. So I did not know how special the webcasts were. I will be around if Brad wants me. On another note I am doing well. Very healthy and happy. Just need to find that special someone. So that is the story. Nothing sexy or anything like that. PS-- Thanks to everyone who reached out to me when the turkey company burned down last year.
  15. Greenberg Smoked Turkey
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