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Everything posted by riteshypatel

  1. Anyone know where there are good speakers for computers (preferable 2.1 or higher) and/or DVR's on sale on BF? I looked on the ads for the different stores and saw only 1 speaker set for an unknown company of unknown wattage for $20 (not so cool by me)....and saw NO DVRs (again, not so cool, I wanted something like a 100+ Gig one). If anyone caught something else or just knows about any good speakers or DVR's going to be on sale on BF? If you do - please let me know, it'd be a great help! RYP
  2. riteshypatel


    I usually never have had problems with rebates. I just go down the list of stuff they want - put it in the envelope, and oh 8 weeks later is my check for whatever. I didn't get my money once but that was b/c I forgot to send in the barcode too. The manufacturer asked for it and I sent it, and finally I did get my money. :) Btw, I'm a n00b. Hi Everyone! Nice to know other people are just as enthusiastic about BF as I am. RYP
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