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Posts posted by taintedmelodies

  1. I saw the saddest thing at Target. There was a lady and her husband and two little kids, both under 3. She had them in a shopping cart waiting in line with the rest of us. Well when they opened the doors, a few people started running and this lady took off with them, when she got in the store, she tried to take a corner and head to the left where the toy aisle is and the cart turned over very loudly and two little ones spilled out onto the floor. Four or five of the women stopped immediately and we went to the kids to help pick them off the floor, the mom was yelling at the husband to do the shopping. She yelled at us to get back and scooped them in the cart and stood it back up and took off again. Those kids were screaming at the top of their lungs. Luckily, a store manager and security guard saw them and took off after the mother.


    I was so pissed, I wanted to leave right then, but dh wanted to get finished with the shopping. There isn't a sale on earth that would make me do that to my kids! It just broke my heart!

  2. Here in Greensboro & Durham NC, the Target stores are not pricematching according to Stephanie, the manager. The local Walmarts are willing to price match if the other store is in direct competition with them according to David of the Hillsborough store.
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