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Posts posted by jbrrmom

  1. I sent my e-mail to wm. I was very polite explaining how this site and getting to see their ad early causes me to spend more at wm. I also said they were comming off as being a big baby. It's bad publicity for them. They need to participate in the hype. It is so much better for them. In the last several years they haven't even had anything I really needed. I only go because it's part of the fun, But if wm doesn't want to play I will stand in line somewhere eles.
  2. FYI, Best Buy did not try to sue this site last year. I don't think I even heard from their legal team at all.

    Brad I know this is out of place. I have Questions: Administrator Does that mean you take care of the site? Or does that mean you created the site? Do I try to find you for site related questions or just put them on the site. When I was just thumbing through the posts I saw your replies alot and I was just wondering . These questions are from someone that knows nothing about message boards and such or computers at all for that matter. Thanks

  3. You've got it wrong - you're supposed to check online BEFORE you go out so you don't have to worry about getting as many things when you are out shopping because you've already got them online ahead of time :P


    And don't forget the most important after-shopping ritual - coming back here to tell everyone a) what you got, B) what you didn't get, and c) what injuries you recieved :D

    I will have to remember to come back here after the shopping. I bet the BF site is as much fun after BF as it is before. As for shopping ahead of time, I do, but to come home early for me would be a crime. Part of the fun is to see how long we can last shopping. How many stores we can go to in one day ect.. I can't wait I wish it were Nov. already!!! Question how do I get those faces into my text. Dumb ? from someone who has never posted on anything. I do good to check e-mail but this is fun

  4. At our house, we spend "X" number of dollars per child. If the gift request is not within the spending limit, they do not receive that gift. We emphasize the real reason for Christmas. We explain that there are many people less fortunate than us, too. Also, in the past, we have given each child a gift card from Wal-mart and taken them to the store and tell them to pick out anything they want with that card. Then we explain to them that the toy(s) will go to the local women's shelter or underpriviliged children. Our children have a blast doing this once they get used to the idea that Christmas is not all about "me, me, me"



    Thanks for the input y'all. We also have a set spending limit. It will just be the first year he doesn't get a lot of presents because of the cost of kayac. We do not do santa because we celebrate the birth of Christ although it is easy to get caught up in the hype. My husband has been saying we need to do something similar to what you are talking about. We have a country santa that could make good use of toys for underpriviledged children. Do you give them the card before Christmas and let them pick out the gifts. I think if we let them shop for stuff they would have more fun then just telling them we are spending less on them.

  5. We shop from 3:00am to around 11:00pm shop shop shop!!! It's my favorite shopping day I also always try to stay extra chipper to the sales people. Sometimes it helps to put them in a better mood but more importantly it keeps me from getting angry at all the rude people out there. Kill them with kindness. Really it is a season to be greatful for all that we have. Anyone out shopping on BF has more than a lot of others. Also I just know how long it takes to get from one store to the other and I just try to make that part of the fun.
  6. Just a shout out at something that makes me sooo mad. Our wal-mart opens at 5:00 Were there (mom and I) Between 3:00 and 4:00 depending on what I'm looking for> Anyway about 4:57 people start comming out of their cars moving toward the front down the center of the parking lot Im usually close enough to the door that they can't get in front of me but it's so wrong!!! On top of it they are usually so arrogant about cutting in front of all those people. UGH!!!
  7. This is the first year i am faced with this: My son has turned 11. His gifts are expensive. He wants a kayac. that will mean one gift or maybe a few small ones to go with it. Who has faced this as their children become teenagers. I love all the presents. I have other children 8 and 3. They will still have lots of small presents. Am I suppossed to spend more as they get older? Are they happier with less when they get the things they want the most? We aren't parents that spend spend spend, but last year he still liked staw wars and he had a lot of presents. just wanted to know how other people spend and buy for thier kids thanks
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