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Everything posted by citra

  1. I'm looking for like 2-3 cat5 cables around 10 feet each. any deals on them?
  2. I haven't been that active though. hehe. Thanks for the codes, mrn8!
  3. any coupons for gap.com? thanx! :)
  4. yeah, I've looked everywhere and they're all $249 and up.
  5. it is 08901 thanks!
  6. any sales going on this weekend for ipod mini? It would have to be a actual store since I need to buy one in the next 2 days. thank you!
  7. yeah I buy my redbulls at costco also
  8. it looks like compgeeks is out of stock right now....
  9. It does not matter what brand it is, I just want it cheap. type a male to type a male connectors. It'll be great if I can pick it up locally. I'll keep on searching! thank you!!
  10. i'm in jersey and i have almost all the stores around me. bestbuy, circuitcity, kmart, walmart, bjs, costco, target, etc.... I have found that are around $300 but looking for cheaper ones. however I am not interested in tvs made by 'no name' companies. I want to stick with the major ones such as sony, phillips, toshiba, panasonic, etc...
  11. I'm looking for a flat screen 27in tv. not the flat panel tvs. any hot deals??
  12. the above post is me. I just forgot to log in.
  13. I'm looking for some hot deals for canon s410. any help will be great! :)
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