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Everything posted by tinkerszs

  1. $146.00 at Bath and Body Works. Stacked all my coupons and paid $36.00.
  2. Got my Victoria's Secret Bag. Missed it last year. I wasn't going to miss it this year.
  3. I am super excited!!!! I got to Michael's about 2:30 today looking for the scrap booking rolley carts with the 10 colored drawers. I knew it was highly unlikely for them to have any. They had a few of the 6 drawer white ones, but after lots of deliberation with dh I decided that I really needed the 10 colored drawers. I am trying to desperately organize my 7 year old's extensive art supply collection. Just for the heck of it I asked. They said they had about 10 of them last night and sold out in the first 30 minutes. However, another clerk who was standing there said she thought she saw some in the back. They went to look and low and behold 2 organizers!!! I just had to buy both especially when they rang up at 29.99. I am going to label one and fill it full of new craft supplies for dd's birthday and the other one will be labeled and used to store all her other "girl" toys that seem multiply all over her room. I got other typical Black Friday stuff (Bath and Body Works, pajamas, Bass Pro Shops, Walmart, Target) but the drawers just made my day!!!!
  4. Hand soaps are 7 for $20 right now. Does anyone know if they will still be this price on Black Friday or should I get them now?
  5. Nothing. DH stayed up all night and still missed the $79 tvs.
  6. I thought the sale was awful. Very disappointing.
  7. I am looking for a basic no frills laptop. I just started an online master's program and would like a new laptop. Our old one is dying a slow death. I don't need anything fancy. But . . . it cannot have Vista on it. My online program is not compatible. All the good deals have Vista and not XP. Can anyone help? TIA!
  8. Costco has $2.99 bottles of wine on sale right now and the red is really pretty good. They also have candy cane small liquor sets that are really cheap.
  9. My dd will turn 3 on New Year's Eve. This year she has asked for a "princess doll" and showed me a Barbie princess doll. So we bought her that one and a pack of 5 "Kelly" dolls which is Barbie's little sister. My mom is buying her the Barbie car. I've also got a Cabbage Patch doll and a ton of dress up clothes that I bought at the ARC for under $10. I'd like to get her a couple more little things so I'm looking. She is also getting a pink Thomas the Train so she feels like she has her own train when she plays with her brother.
  10. 6 checkout lines in the entire store.
  11. Target is still price adjusting today on yesterday's specials.
  12. My Walmart had no board games, no Barbies, no hotwheels, and very few Cabbage Patch kids. Less than 10. This was 10 minutes after they opened. No empty pallets and no empty shelves.
  13. 3:00 am at Kohl's by 3:30 the line was wrapped around the building. But I got the Rival food saver and the digital picture frame and some Barbies and shirts for the kids. Out by 5:00 and off to Walmart. They had no Barbie, no Cabbage Patch, no board games. They didn't even have empty pallets. I was pretty mad. We left and made it to Target by 6:00. It was nuts and people were mad. They were a mess and really really crowded. Some lady was screaming about the lack of Aqua Dots. It was pretty funny. Then we went to Gamestop and Michaels. Not much there. Off to Bath and Body works to stock up on wallflowers. They took both coupons and I got a free lip gloss and free Temptations lotion. Breakfast at Gunther Tootys. Circuit City for movies then just for the heck of it we went to another Walmart. And guess what? Barbies, and Cabbage Patch kids, and board games. At 8:00. Home by 10:00 am and exhausted and broke! But Christmas shopping is almost done!!!
  14. I would have gone to the other Target. The one I went to had 6 Cabbage Patch Kids on the shelf. I grabbed two but really wanted a boy. I was pretty ticked that they only had 6. They also only had 6 of the Shark vacuum sticks. DH grabbed the last one. Walmart had tons of stuff at 8:00. I was pretty surprised.
  15. I am missing almost half of the ads. I am so mad.
  16. I want the cry and suck Cabbage Patch kids that will be $15. Problem is I'll be in line at Circuit City with DH because he wants the 52" plasma tv. How will I know if I can get these online? As of right now they show up online but won't let you order them. Will I get them by ordering online or will they come back later on and say they are out of stock? I've never done online ordering on bf before. Thanks!
  17. tinkerszs

    PS 2

    I want to buy one for the family for Christmas. The cheapest I've seen is $129. Do you think they may come down once the PS3 is on the shelves?
  18. Toys R Us has a horrible selection. I hate shopping there.
  19. Hi! I'm Shell and I mostly just read these forums. Last year my dd became pretty sick on Thanksgiving and so all of our Black Friday plans went out the window. Thank God I convinced my mom to go to Walmart at 5 am to buy me the Cabbage Patch dolls.
  20. Although we went in to Kings Soopers the week before Thanksgiving a few years ago to order ds's free cake. I got a call the evening before Thanksgiving telling me that they had made a mistake. The cake was only free if I bought a full sheet cake to go with it. I was ticked!!! It was the night before Thanksgiving and I had no cake. Luckily my dh threw a fit a they gave us the cake.
  21. Birthday cake here too. DD is turning 1.
  22. Lots of wrapping paper at Linens and Things. Target: Clorax wipes pack of three with Christmas decorations for $3.
  23. Ds is too young . . . but next year Santa will have to have different paper. I wrap everything!!!
  24. Caleb is getting his 3rd boy CPK this Christmas.
  25. I wanted one for my 3 year old but the songs are horrible. He needs kids' songs. Not adult remakes.
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