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Posts posted by kdblev

  1. my kids are 5 7 and 8 and have had micros for a year now. The screen is remarkably easy to see I think and they LOVE them. They have no trouble playing on them at all....now keeping that tiny thing out of the couch cushions is a whole other issue :)
  2. from what i could gather the "s" version is/will be just for wal-mart. it is the only steel kick scooter razor seems to have any plans of selling. i would think the other aluminum ones would be lighter and easier to deal with but this steel one is supposed to be sturdier and hold twice the weight.
  3. since i missed out on the $398 laptop, im going to have to talk to the manager here. i talked to one of the csms an she said to talk to him because he knows everything that is coming out and if this laptop is goin on sale for $298 on BF ima be infront of my walmart at like 3 am..lol

    if you actually want to get one the odds are you'll have to be in line much earlier. i know at ours the line for a computer is like 100 or so by 3 am.

  4. One of the funniest things happened to us last year. I'm normally a Staples/BestBuy kind of person but a newbie I was training wanted something at Wal-Mart so we went there first. Were near the front of the line for what she wanted and about 1 hr prior to start this lady came up and said "Hi How have you been, it's been so long' and all this stuff and gives her a hug! So we chatted with this woman a little while and then tried to hint to her that she need to leave as we could not let her in line with us wouldn't be right. After we finally pushed her out, my friend informs me that she has no idea who this lady was!! At first thought maybe it was someone she just didn't remember but, no, she really didn't know her! We saw the lady try her routine on someone else a few minutes later. Thankfully she got shoved far back in line, but I had never seen someone try the long lost friend tactic!
  5. Does the color of the gameboy tell you if it has the newer and better lit screen. The Walmart ones do not specify but ads says only onyx flame and such on sale. The target one does say it is the newer one. Please help me ASAP!!!!
  6. Not a man but my husband wants a new coon hunting light and PSP2. And I have to disagree about it being harder to buy for men than women. You buy a man something, sooner or later he will use it or wear and they will also be honest and tell you if they like it or not. Now women, we smile and say "Oh, its just what I wanted" and then you see us in line returinging it the next day.

    I cannot buy for the half the women in my family, they are too picky.





    LOL! Not my MIL...she will tell me to my face if she doesn't like something and then ask why I bothered to get it!!!

    Thank goodness I've figured out what she likes now.

  7. I would liek more info on the calling too please. Staples ad states very clearly that doorbusters are in store only. They've been this way for years and Would certainly like to know if you can call 800# for those. I have gone to Staples in years past and been first just getting there an hour early. However, in our town any of the doorbusters do get taken quickly!
  8. I know if you are buying more than one OF THE SAME MODEL, Burlington/BabyDepot will give you an extra discount for 'twins'. Can't remember how much it was, but cool to find that...and no mine arent twins but they looked like it. I'd jsut go without kids and tell them that it's for twins.
  9. I am looking for good quality laptop and/or ipod speakers for a friend. I've seen so many out there and am hoping someone can tell me which might be good and if they've seen any excellent deals. I have looked and can't seem to find anythign that jumps out. Thanks for the help!!
  10. I'm thinking about borrowing a wheelchair from a relative ...


    Would love to see BB refuse to let me in with it :-)




    (either that, or crutches and leg cast ... etc ...)

    Last year we had a handicapped lady come to the line where we were. Came late and people let her ahead beacuse of her handicap. I'm usually a very sympathetic person, but if I've been sitting outside in a chair for four hours, I fail to see why she could not have. The store manager even let her in first and several minutes before anyone else.

    Touchy subject I guess. I'm sure she did need the help inside the store, but rather unfair that she skipped the line altogether.

  11. My mom and I do this as a tradition now and have brought chairs the last 6 years or so since we get in line early. We pack up and put them in the car 30 mins or so before store, but we have held spots for ppl to put theirs up before too. And for people to take bathroom breaks and all that. Really not a big deal once the first 10 or so are there and have claimed their spot. Now if they leave and dont show back up in 5 minutes or so the spot is gone.
  12. Exactly! As much as I love doing thise early 'research', there is still a thrill to getting those glossy ads and poring over them with family members. We subscribe and they always come by 5am on thanksgiving....can't wait!
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