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Posts posted by NewDoc

  1. I go shopping alone most every black friday, unless I am visiting family. I have taken friends with me before, but they are usually not into it as much as I am so I would just hear complaining about wanting to go home or some other stuff. That is why I choose to go it alone. It works best for me.



  2. Because we have a very large family that we are buying for. In our family alone we have 9 people going to college next year in our family so my dad wants to get everyone a desktop or laptop. With each computer you have to get more RAM and a protection plan to go with it.

    I agree that you will need more RAM to go with the computer, but the protection plan on a $149 desktop? Save your money and use it on the memory or something more useful. Also, I would disregard the prior comment questioning why you should care about sales when you have $5000 per person to spend. Maybe it is because they care about an extra $100 here or there that allows them to save up the money over the year to spend later. You would be surprised at the number of well to do people who are cost conscious along the way, but then splurge on the holidays.



  3. I didn't want to turn this thread into an argument, so this will be my last post in it. If you'd like to continue the discussion, feel free to PM me.


    How much is my time worth? Well let me think... how much did I charge a fellow Gottadealer when I made two trips to Kohl's and went to two different post offices to save her $15-20 on a pair of shoes? Nothing. Actually I told her I'd cover the shipping, so it cost me $8.


    How much did another Gottadealer (DigDoug) charge me when he used his own Buy.com account to order a GPS for me so he could use his coupon and save me $15? Not a dime.


    How much do Ross and Brad charge for the hours they spend working on this site and answering people's questions here in the forums? Nothing, of course. Many people here know Ross and Brad from another site, Anandtech, where they've been offering the same help they do here for years. I remember a time when Ross even set up a temporary 800 number so people could call him up and ask him anything they wanted. What a guy! He never asks how much his time is worth.


    That's what this site is all about, helping people out. Taking the information they freely provide and using it to make a profit off my fellow man just doen't sit right with me.


    You have no idea what an entrepreneur is.

    I'm not going to turn this into an argument either, just simply clarify things for you, since you appear to need it.


    How much is my time worth? When consulting it is at a rate of at least $200/hour, though I have worked with people for much less, depending on their circumstances. Supply and demand determines this for me. How much did I charge when I drove over 350 miles (each way) to pick up thumbdrives, hard drives, media cards, computer cases and dvds for people and then delivered the items to them where the people worked? The price listed on the register receipt. How much did I charge when I picked up dvd drives on clearance at Staples, which I found with no assistance from any website or anyone else, then brought them back to people 3000 miles away? The price listed on the register receipt. How much did I charge the person looking for a digital camera at the office supply store (which many people will be boycotting this BF) when that person was unsure about digital cameras as they were being pushed by the salesman to believe that the Kodak cameras were the absolute best buy at $250+? Nothing. I spent some time telling them about the $100 MIR on the Fuji3100 which they were able to buy for $50 AR when I could have used the camera myself. I even gave them a competitor's coupon to use to offset the taxes on the camera. I received an e-mail from the guy months later thanking me for all my help and he said how much they loved the camera, especially the fact that it cost them $50 AR, but most of all he appreciated the help I gave him in finding it in the first place since the salesman would never have pointed him in that direction. There are many more instances of this over the years. You are not the only one who does things for people without any other compensation. It doesn't matter to me if the person is a member here, at another website, or have never been online before in their life. It also doesn't matter if using the information that is freely available to make a profit off my fellow man just "doen't" sit right with you either, just don't make yourself out to be holier than thou when you know nothing about anyone other than words in a posting. If people want to spend their time waiting in line, buying up the sale items and then reselling them on ebay or through other channels that is their own personal choice. If someone winds up being #11 in line and there are only 10 sale items in the store, oh well. It has probably happened to all of us at some point in time and it can be disappointing, but life goes on though. If you really want the item, show up earlier to get your spot in line.


    As for knowing what an entrepreneur is, you just might be surprised at the number of people, including yours truly :), who do know what an entrepreneur is today. I have worked with and advised a number of them over the years. You, of course, obviously are so much more enlightened than anyone else could ever hope to be.



  4. It will depend on what time they make the items available in the store. They may wait until the last minute to bring certain BF sale items out to the customers. It pretty much depends on the individual stores. I have seen some stores in the past bringing out the items early, while others wait until the "official" BF starting time for the sale. Good luck with your shopping.



  5. Yeah, pretty much. They do the tickets so it's first come, first served. Not so people can sell the opportunity to buy an item. :rolleyes: Screwing over a guy who waited nearly as long as you did is not in the spirit of deal hunting or the holiday season, and it's a poor reflection of our society.


    That's about the long and short of it.


    Do what you want though, why do you care what other people think?

    I personally don't care what other people think. If you do then that is your own choice. The same way that people pay for a lawn service or a housekeeper, a person can pay someone for their time in line, a service that they are providing. Sure they could simply give the item to someone else for what it cost them, but that would be their choice not anyone else's. Why should it be viewed as screwing over a guy who waited nearly as long? Just like you said, first come, first served. I suppose that selling the item on ebay to someone who did not want to venture out on that day would be screwing over a guy too? Spirit of deal hunting? Give me a break. Entrepreneurship is alive and well and I salute the people who are creative in their ways of providing services to others. Bottom line: How much is your time worth?



  6. That's not cool

    So if someone camps out in front of the store, waiting for several hours to get items it is somehow wrong for them to offer this item to someone else in exchange for compensation? Is that person's time not worth anything? I would gladly pay someone to wait in line for me so that I could get the items that they did not want.



  7. Ahhh, St Louis will be a lovely 41/25. Yes, a bit chilly, but nothing a good sleeping bag and a portable heater from Taret can't handle! I love the cold. It's invigorating.


    But, "NewDoc' please tell me where you are at?!?CVold is great, but -2! Just makes my blood run cold. I'll think HOT thoughts for you! wow.

    I am visiting Alaska right now. Was around -30 a few couple weeks ago. Actual temp, not windchill. It's a big difference between actual and windchill. The wind may die down or stop, but when it is cold, it just stays cold. Once you get used to these temps though, 20's and 30's are a heatwave where you can wear a t-shirt and shorts without any complaining about it being cold. If you want invigorating you will find it here. Coldest temp I have experienced has been -59. Ice fog at -40 is a trip too. It's pretty much like covering your eyes with your hand and trying to drive. If you can see the front of your vehicle, consider yourself lucky. I've also done the cup of hot water tossed in the air and watched it vaporize without hitting the ground. With food coloring you can pretty much create a rainbow effect. If you use bubbles (like kids use with the wand), try popping them, and at -30 they will turn into snowflakes. All sorts of things you can do when it gets *@%! cold. Enjoy the warm 20's, 30's, 40's and above wherever you are located.



  8. OK, why is north GA gonna be colder than Colorado? That is SOOO not fair!

    Because north ga deserves it! I always enjoyed the snow and cold in the south when I was there. It was so amusing to watch those people attempt to drive on it. You would have to take pictures as your friends in the north would never believe you when you told them about the things that were going on.


    I'll trade you temps though. There is a forecasted high of 2, low of -2 with snow showers here. It is amusing to hear people boo hoo'ing about it being cold when it is less than 50. 50 would be a heatwave here and maybe around mid-April the temp will hit 50.



  9. One time I saw a fat actress wolfing down the entire KFC buffet. She just parked herself up at the feeding trough and gorged herself. I asked if she had been shopping somewhere earlier in the day and she just growled at me, and everyone else, to stay away from the buffet or else we would lose a hand in the process. I think she did the halftime show at several football games, disguised as a blimp.


    Most of the famous people probably have their assistants out there fighting the crowds for the cheap items. I would hire someone to do it for me, but then I would miss out on all the fun myself. Definitely taking my digital camera with me this year to take pictures of the feeding frenzy at the stores. Like the time I yelled, "Hey, up there on the top shelf, it's more tickle me Elmos", then ran like hell in the other direction to avoid the stampede. You have to love the gullible though since they make things so darn amusing at times. Enjoy BF one and all.




    PS If anyone else would like to see the OD zips, just PM me with your e-mail address and I will send them out on Saturday.

  10. r u sure about the amt of the mir and it cant be 99 to ship

    Actually, it shouldn't be $99 to ship, but it is. They make there money on these somewhere along the line and the shipping is the easiest place to sock it to people.



  11. For all of you "complaining" about how cold it is or might be and how it might snow, try shopping on black friday in Alaska. It's been -30 already in Fairbanks and Anchorage has been around 0. Probably about those temps on black friday. The diehard shoppers will be lining up at BB in the freezing temps, possibly enjoying the snow too. Anyone care to join me?



  12. Are jeans usually under $10 at Steve and Barry's?? My husband needs some for work- and they'll get ruined the first time wearing them. So, I don't want to invest money in the work ones too much.

    If you want to get some good deals on jeans, try the local salvation army, goodwill, or other thrift store. I have gotten many deals on jeans for $1 or $2 a pair. Most are in good condition, while others have some small nicks or tears in them. If they are going to get ruined the first time wearing them, check out the thrift stores for him. Just my opinion based on my own experience.



  13. probably depends on the people behind you if they want to be lame and complain. i wouldnt mind it. most people are nice that i have run into.


    Wouldn't this (holding places for people while they left the line and then re-entered at their original place) be the same thing as line jumping at the amusement parks? Hey, I want to go _______ (fill in the blank with whatever activity you choose, get a drink, go to the bathroom, etc.) The parks have their policies posted, which I have actually seen enforced, but there is nothing stated at the stores. It all depends on the people around you in line. If they make a stink about you leaving and re-entering the line in front of them, then that is something you have to deal with.


    As for camping out for 5 hours, I'd like to see people try that up here in Alaska. Wind and rain? Mere child's play. Only the real diehards will attempt it at below zero temps for that length of time. How many shoppers will there be camping out all night at BB in Anchorage?



  14. Make sure you've got access to a bathroom if you plan to wait in line!! :) There's nothing worse than being cold, having too much coffee and having to use a bathroom that's nowhere to be found!! :)

    A friend of mine, Mr. DEPENDable, is always prepared when he ATTENDS these sales where he has to wait in line. He'll usually bring a 2 liter to enjoy. First he drinks it, then he "refills" it. Some people may not approve of his ways, but he never loses his place in line. He also wears pants that are a few sizes too large for him to have "extra room" if needed while waiting. It never hurts to bring along some noseplugs as well, since he is a hardcore shopper and refuses to leave the line for anything. And I do mean anything! :gd_shake:



  15. I make sure I do my rebates. I have always gotten my rebates. Companies thrive on people who go out and buy things because of the sale prices (rebate included), but don't actually submit the rebates.

    Some of the rebate companies even brag about how many rebates they deny (can you say TCA?) to save the companies even more money. Today it seems like the rebate company blames the store, the store blames the mfr. and we get left waiting for our money. Definitely make copies of everything and beware the double or triple rebates when there is only one upc available. That's where officemax tries to get sleazy. Staples' easy rebates are #1 in my book.



  16. My 13 year old loves her ipod nano. We have had no problems with the screen. There have been some problems but they appear to be a fairly small percentage. There is definantly a name thing here. You can buy a cheaper mp3 player, but you tend to get what you pay for. A Lexus costs more that a comparable Kia but people who want a Lexus don't care. For kids the ipod name is like any other name brand. Like wearing Wal-Mart jeans to school when the other kids are wearing #####.

    I would not go as far as the Lexus and Kia comparison, since Kia does not really have a comparable car to Lexus in terms of quality. However, I do agree that the Ipods are a name thing to many people today. Is the Ipod worth the extra price? I have friends who swear the Ipod is the greatest thing since sliced bread, while other friends just swear at their Ipods. Yes, you are paying for the Apple name, but is there added quality too or just the image factor?


    If you are getting the mp3 player for a child, look to see how they have taken care of other items they have already. If you know the kid tosses things around at the drop of a hat, maybe the nano with its scratch issues is not the best choice. Bottom line: Everyone will make their own choice and hopefully enjoy many hours of listening to their favorite tunes on whichever player they buy.



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