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Everything posted by duscrapiron

  1. od? whats that?
  2. my order got cancelled, i ordered pretty quick too, man this sucks
  3. im confused, can you explain it in more details? thanks
  4. just picked up a 5GB for a gift, thanks big time :)
  5. i had ordered three, theyre fantastic
  6. it's not working for me, it keeps coming up at the 44.90 price
  7. shipping is 4.99 if anyone was wondering :)
  8. i just ordered like 70 4 x 6's 10 5 x 7's and 11 8 x 10's for 8 bucks(thats the shipping for this amount of pictures), AND i still have coupon codes for 100 more 4 x 6's 20 more 5x7's and 20 more 8 x 10's, these will be great for my grandfather, thanks!!
  9. the bags dimensions are big enough, so it would fit! Thanks again!
  10. ive been looking for a laptop bag for a good price, thanks! I just have a question, would a dell 14.1 inch screen laptop fit in it? also, you dont have to use the sleeve, do you? like, is the briefcase bag good eough for a laptop? thanks!!
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