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Posts posted by jmldavidosn

  1. He read the manga first and then started watching the anime. He's trying to get me to read the manga but I'm on the last book of the harry potter series (my third time reading them) and I told him I'll start them as soon as I'm finished. I got him the death note manga set for christmas, I'm excited to read that when he finishes it. I also ordered plush versions of four characters from fullmetal alchemist from amazon. I'm hoping he likes them
  2. I have a thirteen year old. He's not into sports but he loves archery and target shooting. He recently got into reading manga. A few that are appropriate for his age are fullmetal alchemist (his favorite) dragon ball z, and Naruto. He also likes to draw manga so I got him charcoal pencils and manga drawing markets from Amazon. He likes to collect Funko Pop! Figures, and loves the nightmare before Christmas. I'll also be watching this thread for ideas!!
  3. I'm new to this site also and I love it! You all are doing such a wonderful job. I know it's a lot of hard work and I appreciate it. I was wondering if there's a way I can save the list somehow so I can add to it daily or whenever new ads come out. Thanks!



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