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Everything posted by lgtripletdad

  1. VTommy - I'm not sure how amazon chooses the first vendor when it isn't an actual amazon.com product. If you look further down, there is a link for 3 used or new from $ 38.00. Double click the photo below to see what I'm talking about. Shame on Amazon for hiding the lower priced deals
  2. Amazon.com has the Lego Community Workers set for $ 38.00 + $ 4.99 shipping =$ 42.99 http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:jNAk09pHNMlHjM:http://bp3.blogger.com/_NUkorrx4Tt4/R8bizJmb50I/AAAAAAAAAEs/imE7klVdDqc/s400/lego-Community-Workers.jpg
  3. Target has the following three Lego sets for $ 29.00 each Lego Agents Speed Boat Resuce (Target $ 29 - ToysRus $ 40.99) http://tbn3.google.com/images?q=tbn:qVXvYFZLaCt5VM:http://bp3.blogger.com/_NUkorrx4Tt4/SH08fhl6QBI/AAAAAAAAALE/G16KzC3WVJs/s400/lego-agent-Speedboat-Rescue.jpg Lego City Coast Guard (Target $ 29 - ToysRus $ 40.99) http://tbn3.google.com/images?q=tbn:UlvzRL1KsQusXM:http://images.doublebrick.ru/sets/sl/lego-7738-1.jpg Lego Indiana Jones Jungle Cutter (Target $ 29 - ToysRus $ 41.99 oos) http://tbn1.google.com/images?q=tbn:DmMFDlh1MGxidM:http://gizmodo.com/assets/resources/2008/01/7626-LEGO-Jungle-Critter.jpg
  4. Please be careful, a humidifier if not properly maintained and cleaned can make a child just as sick as a well maintained can keep them healthy. Here are some guidelines from the Mayo Clinic or feel free to do your own research. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/humidifiers/HQ00076
  5. Hopefully you still have a K-Mart in your area. Their BF ad has a deal B2G1 on "All" Lego sets. Same deal they had last year. I have 9 year old triplet boys and this really helped last year.
  6. Thanks for the feed back. I will definitely be looking at the video game stores for a good BF package deal.
  7. Does anyone know of a good deal on a PS2 system? I would hate to spend $ 150.00 for a system with one controller and someone else come out with a bundle deal. I know I will buy a PS2 system for my little ones, just wondering if I should wait?
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