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  1. In store a few hours ago I got the guitar and the doctor set, black Friday price and no craziness!
  2. PF Changs has buy $100 and get $20
  3. Got tons of post its today for .10 each. Also got composition books for .05 and folders for .10. Found caculators, pencil pouches, change purses, and mini staplers for .30 each.
  4. Did Staples do away with their penny sales? I haven't seen any this year... The manager at my Staples said they will not be doing penny deals this year, but those low price things will be the same price until August and they are price matching other stores plus 10% during back to school. So they will match Office Depot .01 items
  5. I got a mystery reward a couple of days ago worth $5 to $5000, went to the store to use it (assuming it was $5) when I purchased my movie they said I couldn't use it because I didn't spend enough. It was for $50!! I went back and got a three more movies and 2 packs of guitar strings!
  6. Spending the day with my mama, and getting great deals.
  7. Got mine yesterday too. Sent Brad a scan of it.
  8. Just sent Brad a scan of the b&b special. The bag itself is much nicer than last year and it contains an array of scents. Cashmere lotion and body wash, sponge, sparkling pink champagne soap, cranberry pear bellini small candle, paris amour lotion, paris for men 2 in 1. The tote looks like it has a cosmetic bag attached and is black.
  9. Holiday preview in stores now. 2 coupons in it $10 off 30, 20% off and something else that I can't remember. Possibly a free product with $15 purchase?
  10. I got my book today with the 10 off $100...but I also got a book (flier) from babies r us that had a coupon for the $10 gc with a 75 purchase. I don't usually even look through this book since I don't have a baby but happened to look at it and it is for $75 worth of toys (not specifically baby toys). So make sure you look through the things you get from there.
  11. Yea! My little girl loves the Cashmere Glow and I love that it is not too strong and overpowering.
  12. I am not sure...but I think it happens when there is a physical warehouse in that state. We just got a big amazon warehouse in indiana and I bet it is in effect now too...although I haven't ordered anything this month so I again I am not sure.
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