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  1. I bought dh some Dove chocolate bunnies that were 1/2 off. It did look like only the bagged stuff was 30% at my store as well. Thought I'd struck gold when I saw the pile of Spring Oreos, but not even 30% off...bummer.
  2. That does make me feel better! I have a set of those knives that I bought over the summer when Branson had them on TPC and love them. I'll be down there on the 19th and I'll let you know if I see a markdown!
  3. Ouch. It appears I derailed the thread. Didn't mean to start a debate, I was just bummed to not get a Tie Fighter. Sorry all! To each his own, now back to bargains??
  4. So I have been dying to get one of the Tie Fighters for DS5 at 75%-yesterday there were at least 15 of them left and then 3:30 today-NONE! So frustrating, I think we have some resellers or something. It's so annoying! Did see a nice buy though- Hampton Forge knife set with block for 12.48 reg. 49.99. I just bought new knives, so I passed and don't have a DCPI. There were 3 left. They're the walnut-colored wooden handled ones.
  5. I was stalking these at our stores too! I definitely think they salvaged them. The Springfield store had too odd of a selection left for one person to have bought all??
  6. Our store isn't very good about putting them out until someone asks for it. But they're actually pretty handy (the rainchecks). Sometimes if an item is on sale and they've put rainchecks out, I'll go ahead and grab one if it is something I know there might be a good coupon for. Did that when they had one of the $15 Leapster game sales. I got a couple of rainchecks and then just waited until new Leapster coupons came out.
  7. I thought they got a truck every night except Sunday?? Make sure you get a rain check in case they don't come in before Saturday. I think they're good for quite some time.
  8. Well bummer. Yes, that's exactly what I need and now that you mention I do remember that last month. Ah well, guess I might have to (gasp!) look somewhere other than Target.
  9. I loved that formula. Both of my boys seemed to prefer it and I thought it dissolved faster and stained less. It's all we used. That was before it was "up & up" and it was just T brand, but I doubt anything has changed but the packaging. Nice deal. I'm desperately needing a new pan set-has anyone seen a good clearance on any at Target lately? I don't remember seeing any on the boards and it seems Target has clearanced out everything else, so I'm hopeful...
  10. Do you have the DCPI on the Toy Story bike??
  11. I got that email this morning too and figured that I'd get another soon saying my order was canceled, but I just got an order shipped email with tracking number... Hoping all is well-I was pretty happy about the deal!
  12. Nice find! The cleaning one is OOS, so I ordered 2 each of the men/women grooming ones. Most of what's in are products/brands we already buy.
  13. So true. Gotta admire you guys' devotion. I feel your pain though-don't forget that I'm a Cubs fan!
  14. We went. Probably wasn't really worth it. We picked up a few more things of course, but Springfield had a better selection I think.
  15. Tony just saw those Lions shirts last week! He was so bummed that they only had them in women's. And yes, the toddler boys section was a total bust. Didn't find anything for Joel. We're sitting here debating heading down to Branson to see what they've got. But oh I hate Branson...
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