The Garmin Nuvi 1450 LMT is on line for $159.00
This is the 5 inch screen with Free life time maps and traffic.
NO FREE SHIPPING. I paid 6 bucks for shipping.
I was just browsing around on the Sports Authority web page and they have a couple of printable coupons off the main page that are good till the 20th.
Maybe they will have something to print out for the 24th. It's worth watching to save a bit of $$.
I just tried again and it opened right up. I'm using Mozilla Firefox and Adobe Reader 9.
Weird it all started when I opened the Facebook link to view the Wallmart ad. The facebook site froze, Adobe crashed and locked up my computer.
Adobe is saying the file is corrupted and will not open the pdf.
I've been having trouble with other ads also.
The house is rocking over the Wally world ad
I use the "MY LIST" feature off the Black Friday home page. You can check off all of the early bird specials and put notes for each store. I find it to be a big help.