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  1. RadioShack, however... :) Store employees are allowed to buy whatever. Apparently, same with Target.
  2. Yep, they're up. And yes, their LCD deals are good. Almost all are rebate-free, and $679 for 26", $999 for 32" and $1499 for 37". $299 20" AR $100 as well. All with free shipping too. www.radioshack.com
  3. Where's the TV at? May pick one up.
  4. http://www.radioshack.com always has one and last year they set a wicked deal too - $700 after mail-in for 32" LCD TV. I was with them last year. They had 3000+ units of these, and sold out fast.
  5. I got the Sacramento one. No digital cam or scanner so I cant post it. However, I can tell you this: If youre wanting PC components, stick with newegg and their regular deals. BB and others have most others have better deals for electronics. I wa shocked their prices are so high. No competitive laptops, desktops, parts or such. Their laptops start at $800, about the same price as others off-sale. Was kinda disappointed.
  6. Big prob. NiMH battery?!? WTF?
  7. RadioShack does not. However, watch the next few weeks, because the distribution chain ALWAYS forgets to ship a good number of some items or thinks we don't have room for 'em. If they come in, usually they come in at the BF price.
  8. As a recently ex-RS employee, RadioShack doorbusters are --ALL DAY--. Their terminals have NO WAY to update pricing mid-day without taking the servers down for a half hour. Usually too, the sales will go throughout the weekend though no guarantee on that. Last year, Black Friday sales went all the way til Christmas because of RS's advert bungle
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