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I just want a vsmile for my son.. argh! I sent hubby now to a few walmarts.. we'll see
TRU was bought by another company over a year ago.. they are not longer affiliated with babies r us or kids r us.. this new company has really jacked up the prices on everything.. I havent shopped there since!
Hubby got there at 4:30 and was number #142 - they went VERy fast this year!
I didnt get mine.. but again it was my last stop around 10:30 so I'm not suprised.
Now its saying due to high traffic volume its shut down. Try back later and thank you for your patience Blah!
Our store does this BUT no one leaves.. if you do you probably wont get the item We did this last year.. we came back at 4:30 and when we got to the register with our ticket it was sold out!!! I was so furious.. I'm just happy I only need little things this year from this (and all) stores
At our best buy, I have a friend in line and she said the employees just started coming around saying they are handing out tickets starting at midnight. Guess it could be a good thing.. if people dont get what they want they can go home! They always do this at ours sooo early
I always make my list WITH the pictures I clip from the ad. That way I can make sure I have the right item, model number, etc before waiting 2 hours in line just to find out its the wrong one. I wear a shirt with zippered pockets in front (like today is a velour hoodie) that way I can put my wallet in my zippered shirt and not worry about losing it, getting robbed, etc I always put mace in my other pocket.. not to use on people but in case someone tries to steal/rob me. I'm a woman and its dark here for a long time after I get in line Never drink anything.. for about 2 hours before I leave the house.. no time to pee I'm always friendly to people in line around me.. you have hours to wait so being mean may just backfire on you Of course wear comfy shoes, clothing and I dont bring anymore then I need. NEver bring children/strollers.. there is no room and its scary for them. Not to mention dangerous considering peoples manners seem to be missing on this day
I have there ad.. nothing to really run for.. I doubt I'm going at all and I'm a diehard scrapbooker Same with ac moore.. now Joanns is a bit better and I will get there (its a 3 day sale for most items)
Stores do depending on how they operate. Last year the hot items got tickets and by 1:30am they were all gone and handed out
Nothing I'm so disapointed by their sales.. I can get most of them cheaper throughout the year, and target is my favorite store
I dread walmart.. I saw someone pull out a knife last year over a laptop.. and my son got a concussion from a women running while carrying a full size tv This year we have a sitter but I'm ready for a fight or two (to watch) I'm preparing what to wear.. something with alot of pockets
I wish our kohls was this nice.. I worked there when I was a teen and the manager was awful! I got her fired after she told a private problem I had which I had to tell her to take the week off (I had a miscarriage). They are still awful to deal with in every way
LOL! Last year I saw someone pull a knife on someone else over the laptop at walmart. You think that would make the others in line/area back away.. no! They didnt care if they got stabbed they wanted that laptop. I was about 30 feet away getting my portable dvd player just watching. So yes mace is a good idea.. along with some first aid supplies! I just want the canon photo printer and the Mcafee software... I'm not going til around 3-4am so I hope to get just those small things while everyone else wants the huge ones
OUr store has been that way for a long time, its always merchandise pickup :) People here get them still at 7am