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Posts posted by BethRG

  1. For what it is worth, my understanding of the law is that they had to honor the price they gave you on the phone and then in person. You could have asked to see the manager, stated that the law concerning false advertising applied, and (s)he would have had to give it to you at the price stated. It follows the same principal as if you went up with a sweater with the wrong tag on it (not one where you change the tag, mind you, but one that was wrongly labeled by the store, hehe). They must honor the tag on the item whether it is right or wrong if they are in error. That is my understanding, anyway :-) Sorry they sucked.
  2. I go it alone. I consider it hunting for women (and like minded men)...yuo don't see hunters all clombered up together ;-) Anywho...I like to go it alone. I go to Wawa and get my coffee and hang out at KB Toy store until the door opens (though WalMart may be it this year). I like going alone; I bond with my wallet...lol
  3. Didn't Home Depot do this last year? I think it is stinky!!! Heck - you are giving them FREE advertising! How can they even begin to complain. I use this website more than the ads I get on Thanksgiving. BOO HOO and SHAME on them...I will not be going to Office Depot ever again!
  4. If I remember right, last year gottadeal listen home depot and they made a stink, so they had to take the list off. BOO HOO to HOME DEPOT!!!! I think Gottadeal is awesome for the consumer AND for the store...what better way to get FREE advertising! But, Home Deport (like Office Depot this year) was a bah humbug...in my opinion, they don't need my holiday cash if they want to be like that!!!
  5. Hey Everyone!


    I know we all go out hunting on the day after Thanksgiving, but have any of you encountered super rude customers? Last year, this lady was in such a rabid frenzy to get a TV that she dang near killed this other lady with her cart. I was floored...can any deal be THAT important?! Is this REALLY the way to celebrate the birth of Christ? I mean, I get up early and go "hunting" (I consider black Friday "hunting" for women and like minded men), and I plan my trip itinary weeks in advance (hence I am here), but REALLY...mowing people over seems a little insane!!!


    Has anyone been treated as badly?


    I hope everyone has a safe and FUN hunting day!!!:gd_orange

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