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Everything posted by DestinyFaith
You did, it was driving me crazy. I guess I better start on my list of things so I don't forget..LOL Everyone Be safe tomorrow and Buckle Up!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you That was them. I knew they were differnt colors....Couldn't remember where I saw them though. Think these are the same as Wal-mart sales? If so, I will do Competitive Ad Pricing.
Thanks everyone for looking for me. They look like them pillows that Walmart sales. Feel really neat when you squeeze them.
No, it was around $8.00 and one was a square pillow and the other was a round one in the ad. I think, not sure one was a pink one and one was a blue one, does this help?
My sister just had to take my ads...... she is from my house. I want that pillow..but where oh where could it be?
I saw a ad today, but my sister came over took some of my ads,,,,anyone know who was selling the micro bead pillow..may have said micro fiber..I don't recall......please help me.
I haven't seen anything on it, but I know they do BF, I saw the line last year standing at the door, while I was driving on my way to Wally World. Oh, I Love BF..Can Hardly Wait! Happy Holidays!
Me to Lisa, I would also like to know if anyone has a model number.
Photo's I Love Photo's!!!! Thanks
Thanks for the info everyone.... I was out today and picked up a paper, no ads for BF, but tons of sales going on this week befor BF. I kept wondering where all the ads were. I thought they come out on Sunday every year.... Oh well. Rushing out Thursday Morning to get me a paper.
Not sure if this has been asked, but where are the ads? I want to see pics... When will the ads be in the paper?
Well, I live in Mobile, Alabama I am married, 12 wonderful years. Two Children... Boy 11, Girl 8 Both are on the A/B Honor Roll. Yep, I am a Proud Mother, Had to Brag. Going to college in January to become a Computer Tech. I love GotADeal... The People are wonderful and helpful here, Best site, and easy to navigate. But Mostly, the people For as Black Friday, I think I am just going to have to look at the ads, pictures always help me make up my mind, because the prices on items has disapointed me this year. I will check out your Talk Lounge, Thanks for suggesting it to all of us....especially us newbies who had no idea it was around. I like to use coupons as well, so great idea to me.
Hope I help, well, Price Matching is finding the exact item at another store and it is cheeper than the store you are at, you show your paper that is good for the same week or date and ask them to sell it to you at the lower price. This is good only if the store honors it where you shop. Usually Wal-Mart does this. Not sure of all the stores that does. I know Wal-Mart will not honor the B1G1 (Buy 1 Get 1)Free.
How many hours do you get of sleep before Black Friday?
DestinyFaith replied to Rebirth's topic in 2004
I usually stay up all night, drinking coffee and getting my game plan on.... ooopssss did I just knock her on the head, roll over his toes, push that cart in their back? Hey sales Lady...I need that TV off the top shelf, I was in line first. Hehehehe (EVIL GRIN) -
I just wanted to say, Last year, I had went shopping by myself, and I had a buggy, and a bike for my son, and a bike for my girl, well, I was trying to get my sons speed bike into the cart, it was still in the box, a nice gentleman and a girl stopped their shopping to help me lift it, I only weigh 105 lbs if you can imagine that and no way was I going to be able to lift that by myself, so, my Thanks goes out to those who help others , it was the best part of my day, they were angels in my eyes! So, if all of us are shopping out their on BF, remember it only takes a sec to help someone who is struggleing.
Okay, if this is the list for Wal-mart, I too am not impressed. I have yet to find a great deal on ...yep, you guessed it...Nintendo 64 Gamboy Advance SP. If the Gameboy in the ad is for the reg Gamboy Advance, that is definately a NO SALE out of my pockets. I think they are horrendous on the kids eyes. Also, I agree, the dvd's could be a better deal. I want to see the ads...come on wal-mart, show us what you got
Does anyone know when the Toys r us ads will come out for BF.... for the 6:00a.m to 11:00 a.m ads.... and the ones for wal-mart 6:00 a.m to 11:00 a.m. ? Thanks in advance to all who reply.
Thanks RossMan, So I take it, you don't live in B'ham any longer? Yep, we went to Orlando, Florida on Friday and came back tonight. Was a Fast trip, Had to go pick up some Furniture. I don't want to go on another Fast Trip like that in a long time...Ever heard of your bottom falling asleep...mine sure did
I think McRays ways giving out prizes, like gift amounts and also a Diamond Ring, etc...off in Cracker Jack Boxes....... hmmmmm or was that Dillards?
Been out of town, sorry haven't replied RossMAN... I am in Mobile, Alabama...
I am going to be looking for a Camcorder, but don't want to spend alot on it. Also, a gameboy sp ... I hope some are on sale less than $75.00 on BF. My daughter wants one bad, and I can't seem to win one on ebay, plus shipping comes to more than $75.00 when I do bid on ebay..... so I give up on ebay...lol. If anyone knows of good deals on this, please let me know.
Thank you. I ordered this. What a great Find!