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Posts posted by rogue1230

  1. My biggest I think just for the state of MA is the "looky loos"  who while you are taking a quick snooze to forget about the hypothermia who approach the line and wake you to say "what time does the store open? 1am  But the ad said 8? this is MA we have blue laws. How long have you been here?  since x.  Arent you cold?  Yes and now annoyed....... and then they drive away.... UGGHHH

  2. Here in MA the stores are pretty much stuck to the midnight or 1 AM opening die to blue laws here.  I hate to say it but I wish the state ( gulp I can't believe that I am saying this) would require the stores to return to the 4 or 5 am openings.  


    I typically sit in Walmarts line with my best friend and doze on and off until 3 or 4 am.  Last year @ Walmart there were protests at many stores and the way my store had the line behind the steel barriers, I couldn't fall asleep because I was worried a disgruntled employee was going to crash their car into the line and crush us all.  ( OK I get that is a little much, but I worry about things like that even though I am aware they can be silly).  As a result I didn't get the typical snooze I would ordinarily get and then with all the stores opening at 12 am or 1, my body hit the "we are too tired to function behind the wheel" wall at like 9am...... threw off the whole day.  UGH.


    I really hope they go back to the traditional openings at 4 or 5.  But I think I am in the minority.

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  3. I would love to see a Gotta Deal notebook and pen. I buy a notebook every year to keep track of BF ad items and a pen too. Maybe a sort of sling pack bag? For all of us to keep our $$ , notebooks,ads and reciepts in thru the day. Of course long sleeve tees and a sweat shirt would be awesome too. But my number one wish would be an official gotta deal notebook.:smart:
  4. My walmart was actually really nice about this last year. First they allowed/escorted people at intervals to enter the store to use the restrooms while having associates hold their place in line. Then instructed people to return their camp items ( chairs, blankets etc) back to their cars an hour before opening, again, holding their place in the line. I thought it was really decent of them to do that, went a long way as far as good will and the crowds demeanor I thought.
  5. :rolleyes:I thought I was a hard core- but I do stop to eat- but only after I have the first 5 major stores crossed off. By then if I don't get some food and coffee in me, major vehicle accidents could occur.


    I may be taking a page from Big Jim Slade and doing the whole tent thing this year.

  6. were you at the my walmart where the local PD was asked to make the annoucement that the store was not opening till 4? I think 150 people at least made a mass exodus. LOL. To Walmarts credit... they allowed us to use the bathroom this year. I was shocked. I also did not find the sheets and had small confrontations with associates that were at the queue spots where I needed gen merchandise that was there... like mens underwear... she was all like "YOU NEED A TICKET!!!!" really mens underwear needs a ticket? uggh
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