I am an old timer Black Friday shopper back when everyone I knew thought I was nuts to be going out shopping at 6am! (yes, Best Buy used to open at 6am on Black Friday about 10 years ago and I was able to arrive at 5:45 and still buy front page items). Now that Black Friday is a news event and everyone knows about it, I don't think brick and morter Black Friday shopping is targeting the well educated extreme deal shoppers. Those consumers are doing research, reading blogs, websites etc. and they know that the best way to shop is online, cherry pick Black Friday extreme deals and shopping on other days. Retailers need foot volume and items to be purchased in their very high overhead stores, not just used as research centers for online purchases. I think these new store hours are looking for those people without the time or desire to do a lot of research to find the best deals, those not willing to shop in the middle of the night and those people who find the experience fun (something for everyone). They assume all purchases on Black Friday are a great deal. The real profit margin is in all the non-door buster items that people pick up because they are already in the store and everyone around them is shopping. This year I am going out but like last year most of my real shopping will already be done on my computer. I am now taking my 13 year old daughter out with a group as a social outing. Last year we went and a lot of her friends were talking about it ahead of time, posting on social media sites pictures of themselves at 3am and then talking about it afterwards. I have to admit that with my daughter with me, we bought a lot of items just because we were out. Now we need to decide "when" to shop for this experience. I am not willing to shop from 8pm Thanksgiving night throughout the entire night. hmmmm ...