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Everything posted by tammyj40

  1. It is a small world. One of my brothers lives in Yorkville. Well, outside of there, more in the country.
  2. We had a whole huge rack of the bath sets left. It is amazing how much stuff was in that store and never sold before Christmas. The great thing about these are they really don't have any markings on them to make them just Christmas items. I picked them up for birthdays, valentines, etc.
  3. Our store didn't have the dishes set or I would have had to have that to.
  4. Just wanted to share with you that Wal-Mart in Dyersburg, Tn. has 75% off today. I got a 7ft. pre-lit fur tree for $19.11. Bath sets with hanging shower thingy for $1.15. Brut gift sets for $1.15. I spent $60.00 and came out with a truck load. My daughter got the nice $19.00 bath sets for $4 something. She bought $25.00 dollars worth and has enough to last till next sale. LOL...she is 13 and was so excited. One of my sisters was with me and she bought material for tree skirts, aprons and a buggy of gift sets, a 6 and 1/2 ft. tree for $7.00 and she spent about $130.00. We went in my husbands truck and had the whole back loaded with Wal-Mart bags. A friend that works there told me last night that it was going to 75% today so we had first picks at stuff. Oh yea, I got my friend a 4 ft pre-lit tree for $6.00. Hope everyone has as good of luck that I did. Happy Hunting
  5. thank you so much. I bet that it is, I know she has seen commercials for what she is wanting. I am so new to this mp3, ipod stuff I just have not a clue what I am doing or what to even buy. Thanks again,
  6. Happy THanksgiving everyone. My daughter is wanting something that has to do with music but is like the scene it game. anyone know what this is and what it is called. also could someone tell me if she can download her cd's on an mp3 player.
  7. I am off work today and going to wal-mart to see what I can find. Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and a great BLACK FRIDAY showing day. The high here is going to be 30's
  8. and all through the house not a creature was stirring except for my mouse. The family was all tucked in their bed with visions of mama standing in dread. When out of the sleep daddy awoke with a fright, there was mama getting the credit cards out of his sight. Daddy followed her out to the garage that cold morning and he heard her say as she drove through the door ........ I am off to buy presents see you at 4. now dash away mastercard dash away visa I will come back with something that is sure to please ya............ I KNOW TO MUCH TIME ON MY HANDS
  9. Hello everyone. I was in Wal_mart in Dyersburg Tenn. today and they said the laptops would be $488.00... don't know if there is anyone here from my part of the country?
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