Just wanted to share with you that Wal-Mart in Dyersburg, Tn. has 75% off today. I got a 7ft. pre-lit fur tree for $19.11. Bath sets with hanging shower thingy for $1.15. Brut gift sets for $1.15. I spent $60.00 and came out with a truck load.
My daughter got the nice $19.00 bath sets for $4 something. She bought $25.00 dollars worth and has enough to last till next sale. LOL...she is 13 and was so excited.
One of my sisters was with me and she bought material for tree skirts, aprons and a buggy of gift sets, a 6 and 1/2 ft. tree for $7.00 and she spent about $130.00.
We went in my husbands truck and had the whole back loaded with Wal-Mart bags.
A friend that works there told me last night that it was going to 75% today so we had first picks at stuff.
Oh yea, I got my friend a 4 ft pre-lit tree for $6.00.
Hope everyone has as good of luck that I did.
Happy Hunting