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15 fun things to do while shopping in Walmart..lol!
zitadelle replied to CrayZMama80's topic in 2004
I used to work in a grocery store, and we used to go bowling with coconuts and salad dressing bottles....but the best thing we ever did was have a RAID fight.... you know, those cans of RAID that fire like 30 feet... try chasing each other around for awhile while shooting RAID all over the floor, then doubling back, hitting a spot of raid on the floor.. and sliding into displays, or like i did, hit a corner, fell on my ass and slide into the milk case.... knocked myself out...LOL..we used to have a couple cops come in late at night also, 1 of them was a friend of a few of the employees, he'd get into the act himself, albeit throwing cans and stuff....we had a lot of damaged goods in our store...LOL -
I have plenty of time to browse the ads, and get paid triple time for it....AND i get to watch football.... to bad i dont get any damned turkey and dressing or potatoes...sniffle....LOL
My problem is, i like the expensive books, or those are the ones i seem to be searching for...lol.... Military History books are F****** expensive... I have gotten some good deals off of ebay, but mostly i use amazon as they are the cheapest in most instances... overstock has a crap selection of the books im looking for, while amazon has probably the biggest listings of my books on the entire internet...and a helluva lot cheaper than say, abebooks.com.... who usually deal with used copies, and new ones are cheaper on amazon for the same titles, somtimes by as much as $50-100... im just looking for some good coupon codes for a nice book site that has as big a selection as amazon.com... something i've yet to find...
First of all, it is not a satellite laptop, meaing you cannot connect to the internet via a satellite signal. Its just their brand name. Second of all, all you require to go wireless is a PCMCIA Type II slot free in your laptop. If you have one of those, just go buy a wireless network card, in the PCMCIA Type II format, for your laptop/notebook. They look like fat credit cards with handles on the end. Third of all, you will need a wireless router for your computer at home, as well as an always on internet connection... ie. high speed internet access like DSL or cable modem... i dont really think youd like to play on a wireless network of a dial up modem, i dont know how long it would take the load things, but about double your regular computers time. They had a good deal on one of the stores listed for all of these items... wireless router, pcmcia card, and even a desktop wireless card, but i dont remember which store had it, or if that has changed or not...
No idea... i wouldnt buy from radio shack if you gave me a $10000 gift certificate though.... i hate them...lol
synth before you get to excited about that 200 gig hd, its not really that good of a deal... You can get a one for about $112 with free shipping and no tax from www.zipzoomfly.com...same brand maxtor, probably same or similiar item...and in serial ata format instead of the old ata 133... computer products/hardware are almost always cheaper or similiarly priced with sale items online....but if you dont really know much about computers, then by all means buy it from the retail store instead so you can return it if you have a problem... best places to buy computer hardware online newegg.com zipzoomfly.com buy.com (nice list of rebates here)
Does anyone know of any really good book sites/stores that are having huge discounted sale prices? Nothing much interests me in the listings for best buy or walmart, but im always up for buying a couple hundred dollars of military history books if the prices are right...lol
I have seen so much crap on ebay its not funny really... pet rocks and the like, so nothing surprises me.... i would have LOVED to have been able to afford to bid on the F-18 Blue Angels fighter though.... the only one ever sold to the private sector.... of course, it went for like a few million dollars, and you had to assemble it yourself...lol.. they also had an old british bomber up for auction a few months ago... back from the 60's i believe... it was used as a nuclear bomber... some really cool auctions, but mostly crap.... everyone knows in 99% of the instances what something is worth, and they start the bidding accordingly...
Well MK deception is a good game, atleast i liked it.... it is basically 4 games in one... a fighting game, a puzzle game, a chess game, and also a role playing type of game... it is violent when the fatalities are pulled off though...so keep that in mind... Ya know, its funny... my parents were always very cool... for my 12th birthday party we had DAWN OF THE DEAD, and THE THING to watch.... now i knew they were only movies, and havent ever had a nightmare in my entire life... but wow did some parents flip when their kids had them who went to my bday party... and this was back in the very early 80's mind you... some parents are just jackasses id have to say... they dont teach kids squat about anything, but they punish them mentally about getting good grades.... Now im a bit of an expert on videogames.... i have had the following systems... atari 2600 nintendo super nintendo n64 gamecube genesis sega cd dreamcast saturn turbo duo neo geo home arcade playstation playstation 2 gameboy gameboy advance and of course, the PC computer since the early 90's.... Now my interests are a bit more into the military type of games, first person shooters, and also strategy games, but i do love a good Mortal Kombat match... Now a lot of you parents need to understand one thing about consoles in particular... they are usually good for no more than 3 years MAXIMUM... so what i do is, i find out when a new system is coming out, sell my old ones around 8-12 months before then, and use that money to buy the new ones when they come out... its a very sound strategy, especially with ebay.... so keep that in mind if youd like to save some money... sell EARLY to get the new stuff at release for the kiddies.... youd be amazed how many of your co-workers would buy them for their kids.... just a thought for you all with kids... im still nice and single...lol
I've never liked compaq or HP, regardless if they are the same company now or not... they had some horrendous desktop computers in the 90's, and im sorry but that just doesnt do anything to me except tell me to stay away...
I didnt even think of looking in the walmart ad i got in my mailbox yesterday.... i got my computer gaming magazine and trashed the junk mail and flyers...lol
Ja Wohl mein herr...lol
Yes, TOSHIBA has one of the best reputations in the business, especially for their SATELLITE line of laptops. They last a long time and are quite reliable i have heard. Stay away from the never heard of before brands. There is a reason you havent heard of them...lol
Hey dolan, is it just me or has EBAY gotten to be just a big pain in the ass in the last 2 years? I used to get some good prices for stuff on there, $500 palmpilot for $190, but now, there really arent any good deals, well atleast not once people see the auctions themselves. And the ridiculous amount of skams on ebay really piss me off.... pyramid auctions are allowed? Virgin mary cheese sandwich auctions are allowed? But the best auctions of all time they banned, when that guy tried to sell his soul, and of course, the bidding for chunks of the space shuttle...a bit morbid the last one, but it sure seems a bit more plausible an auction that a cheese sandwich with the virgin mary on it... and about $70,000.00 cheaper too...LOL
Ahh Bush Cheney supporters. Very nice. Thanks to ohio for keeping that lying skumbag kerry out of office. Kudos to you.
Also keep in mind that some of the biggest games this year are all mature games. Grand Theft Auto is a great game, but it is quite full of racist remarks as well as a huge bunch of curse words and violence, not really the greatest game for younger kids, unless you have had a talk with them about video games. I had my godfather come over and bring his son about 10 years ago, i had a game like mortal kombat i was playing and he wanted to play it, the kid was 8 i believe, so i said its probably not a good idea. Well he said to me, oh i know its make believe my dad already told me so, so hell in an instance like that one, i let the kid play it till he got sick of it. Thats what we need more of, parents who actually do something instead of wanting the government to once they get all shocked. So it all depends on your kids which systems games you will get also.
Playstation 2. Sony has a HUGE library of games for all ages, much bigger than the Xbox, and you can play the old Playstation 1 games on the new one, so you wont be throwing out the old games you already have.
Welcome to humanity! LOL
Dont worry about offending me, atleast, im sick and tired of going into a store nad having someone hit me up for money. I have enough crap to buy for my family for xmas as it is, as well as pay my bills and still splurge on the person who matters the most, ME! lol... It is a bit ridiculous that anyone gives anymore anyhow. It seems about 10 times a year someone gets caught skimming our donations in huge amounts from the charities main offices, and that doesnt even account for all the thieves they have who steal from the pot itself before dropping it off. Im sure youd be surprised how many people get arrested for this by the local cops. I just dont see giving money to someone whom i have no idea what they will actually do with it. Then again, MY MONEY, MY DECISION!
So far nothing that interests me in the BF listings that i dont already have...lol