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Everything posted by razormoney

  1. By the way, for those of you in the south near HEB grocery stores, they had Hot Wheels COLOR SHIFTERS cars for $2 each. They were $2.97 at Walmart.
  2. I'd wait for a better deal. I got a Vizio (which is highly rated -- and I must tell you the picture is outstanding) 50" plasma from Circuit City during a Thanksgiving sale for $1700. They also had a $200 rebate and I get a 10% of the total value gift card making my total cost $1330 plus tax. An incredible deal for a highly reviewed TV. I have a feeling the plasmas will be even more affordable at the beginning of next year. Just a hunch. M
  3. Do they charge tax?
  4. Yeah, What gives? Almost a $10 difference.
  5. They delivered my 360 to the wrong address after I changed it. They said DHL would go pick it up and they still haven's shown up. Dell has not contacted me with any additional information and when I try to get customer service the phone system tells me my wait "might exceed 10 minutes" -- well that tells me nothing -- and when I try to chat with customer service online it gives me a note saying all those agents are busy and to try again or leave an e-mail. Give me a break -- their customer service sucks. I will NEVER make another purchase with Dell. No wonder their stock is sucking wind.
  6. Anybody else having problems getting onto the site?
  7. Haven't received mine yet -- anyone else get theirs? R
  8. I was at Target this morning when the doors opened. Big mistake. Only went there for the digital frame -- sold out in the first 15 minutes. People were relatively civilized considering the sheer volume -- it was just too hectic.
  9. Add it to your cart -- it will show $340 -- just tried it. Be careful though, as mentioned above Dell charges tax to certain states (Texas, for one). R
  10. If you want MS Office to go with this, find your favorite military friend and ask them to look at the Base Exchange. Often, they will have special prices on Office and sell the product at the military base at a lower price -- about $50. Just give them the money and ask them to get one for you.
  11. Is anyone else having problems getting on to the NFL apparel page? Keeps giving me an internet explorer erroe there and in NBA stuff. MLB works fine -- doesn't make sense.
  12. I think you'll find that the Pioneer is the best picture (although I think this is the wrong thread for this issue). It is also one of the more expensive. You tend to get what you pay for. However, Vizio is highly rated for its price at cnet.com.
  13. Got mine $317 and change -- don't forget the tax!
  14. Just go to the store and show your military ID this weekend and receive 10% of your entire purchase. Websites list exclusions from discount. Razor
  15. Mike is totally right here. We have both XM and Sirius -- one in each car. Sirius is "hands down" a better deal -- even if the unfounded rumors are true about a small price increase. Sirius is gaining listeners faster than XM and will probably overtake them in the next 18 months. A lot of this is attributed to Howard Stern. Personally I could do with or without Mr. Stern. Sometimes his show is funny, other times it is tired and boring. I can only handle so many prank phone calls. What does he care, he's halway to being a billionaire. There are two major reasons Sirius is better -- 1) the NFL (they also have a great slate of NCAA football and basketball games and 2) NO COMMERCIALS on their music stations. XM has commercials on their music stations due to a court settlement. Sirius has no such constraint. Not to mention, the Sirius music channels just play better music. XM has a tendency to repeat songs too much, just like terrestrial radio. Also, if the price increase bugs you, buy the lifetime plan -- which is what I will do before the end of January. For the cost of about 3 1/2 years of monthly service, you can buy a lifetime membership. Never have to worry about price increases again. Razor
  16. Sorry 'bout that Gotta. I can only assume that they had the 2X size priced wrong. Just a lucky break for me I guess. Did anyone else find other regular priced jerseys that popped up in the shopping bag with a discount when added?
  17. You have to put it in the shopping bag (and go through the order process up to the confirmation point -- obviously don't confirm the order if the reduced price does not show up) before the $16.99 price will pop up. I ordered the XX-large size. Don't know if that was the reason.
  18. For anyone who cares, the $16.99 deal for jerseys at JCPenney.com was for guys like Steve McNair and Drew Brees who have switched teams. I just went and bought a Bryan Urlacher jersey which was priced at $39.99. However, when I put it in my shopping bag, it showed up with a $16.99 price tag! I tried it with a few others and they all showed the original price. But if you like Bryan Urlacher, or you want to try any of the others to see if a reduced price shows in the shopping bag, it might be worth your while. BTW, the Urlacher jersey was on backorder until Nov 17 which still leaves lots of wiggle room before xmas. Razor
  19. TRU has them advertised for 59.99 in the Big Toy Book this morning.
  20. Great deal. Got Ohio State and Texas hoodies and t-shirts shipped for $35.80.
  21. Every year.
  22. Good deal, thanks. Is it just me or is BCBGirl smokin' hot? R
  23. Abe's of Maine has the remote for $114.99 and change. http://www.abesofmaine.com/viewproduct.asp?id=hmsst659 Mike
  24. LOOKS LIKE THE WEBSITE is being overrun as well! I can't get any BB online pages to load. CRAZY! Mike
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