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  1. I had a geat experience at Sears! Got there 15 minutes before the doors opened. Saw a line of people but not too bad. Hurried up and got out of the car and got into line. A guy in line behind me said there were signs on the other doors telling people where to go if they wanted to receive the gift card. So I had found the right one. Hurray! The doors opened 5 minutes early and everyone was very orderly going in. Received my gift card and hurried up downstairs to the tool area. Grabbed one of the cordless drills in the case for $39 then found a sales associate to ask about getting the $199 pool table. I was the first customer he checked out that day. He went to scan my card and it wouldn't work. Tried a few more times then gave me the $10 off a different way. He handed me the $10 off card and said "maybe it will work for you in a different area later today". I paid, thanked him, and headed upstairs to clothing. Found some stuff up there to buy and used the $10 off coupon I had received in the mail for the clothes. Then grabbed a PS2 game for my nephew using the $10 off card I had received at the door. So I saved $30 at Sears yesterday. Everyone of the staff there was so kind and friendly. It really impressed me! Even the people shopping there were friendly and calm. What a great experience!
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