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Everything posted by mrslug

  1. Philips 51" HDTV (51PP9100D) & Philips 42" Plasma HDTV (42PF7320A) You get the 10% off coupon from their instore catolouge, so if you haven't gotten one, get out n get one. The plasma is at the same price that their outlet(http://www.outlet.philips.com/b2c_redesign/b2c/productdetail.do?productguid=4328965C3ACA008E00000000828BD47242BB1985A1E50A7500000000828BD443&productarea=4328965C3ACA008E00000000828BD472&scenario=catalog&shop=OUTLET) sells it at minus shipping for a refurb. And I'm having trouble figuring out if this is HD ready, or needs a tuner: http://www.outlet.philips.com/b2c_redesign/b2c/productdetail.do?productguid=4328965C3ACA008E00000000828BD472403C4046348D0123E1000000828BD4B8&productarea=4328965C3ACA008E00000000828BD472&scenario=catalog&shop=OUTLET
  2. so lets talk about the Circuit City tvs compared to these others, the phillips for 899 vs the toshiba at bb and sears. the 42'' plasma for a possible 1600ish sounds to be the best plasma up so
  3. Everybody neeeds to wakeup.
  4. Sooo did we ever figure out the right model for the Toshiba 46'' from Best Buy?
  5. anchorman for $6? box sets $18? sounds good. though no tvs.
  6. the main page reads: November 10th - GD Exclusive: $997 Plasma TV at Walmart on BF - see forum for scan! Where am I looking for the scan?
  7. whats a comparison of this vs me spending a grand on an hdtv? sizewise/brandwise.
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