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Everything posted by Gon2beastar

  1. I tried to price match w/ a kmart ad but the dumb girl was just wayyyyyy too ignorant! Get a smart older cashier.. lol
  2. Hi! Wondering if theres any Black friday ads for petsmart or petcfo? Any good deals on pet food? or toys? A friend of mine is an owner of a pet adoption agency and maybe this would help her out. Thanks! Crystal
  3. Hi! I want to know if the Virgin Mobile Flasher V7 Is going to be on sale on black friday or is on sale any where right now? I want to get it as a present for a family member.. Thanks! Crystal
  4. Post the results for everyone because maybe its the same over here ..
  5. me too me too 60078
  6. I'm crying myself In the non existing sales at walmart I was relying on walmart
  7. If these are the walmart ads Ive been waiting for since forever Im quite disappointed as they are Very sad.
  8. hehehe sounds like a plan! WOW! Sounds like its crazy in there! hmm regarding the stores in woodfield, I think Ill try it and see if they have black friday sales either way Im going to have to buy some things there any ways.. Thanks! Crystal
  9. Gon2beastar

    Mall On BF

    Hi! Me again ! I have only Done the BF rush once, and that was last year. I am wondering about stores in the mall. Since Im in Illinois I have woodfield mall, and theres TONNS of stores! I was wondering if the stores there "did" black friday also? mainly I am questioning about Sephora, Mac Cosmetics, Sharper Image, Sports Authority, ETC As my Family is crazy and is not normal and doesnt "like" anything that is at walmart, target, etc thats 2 minutes away ( except my Grandmother and uncle.. :\ Picky Picky Picky..)
  10. Sicckkk... a 200GB hard drive!!!! computers getting an upgrade! How cheap 50 bucks!!!! OMg thats a STEAL! SOOO glad we have an office max RIGHT down the street along with a walmart target petco tj maxx etc
  11. oppsy did not see that MY bad!!! Thanks soooo mcuh for pointing that out it will be sooo handy!
  12. Hi! I was just wondering if at ALL possible if you could divide the ads by the store.. ?? That would be awesome!!! Like for example (when we do have all the stores ads ) Someones trying to find a target ad but they have to click until they get to page 4 to find it and they might be in a hurry, it might be a little of an inconvience? Just a thought.. But its fine the way it is now also .. Love Always, Crystal <3
  13. I was looking on a website and the earliest post of ads i found was on the 5th of november.. :\
  14. I like wrapping presents.. btw Im sooo syched for BF and I have my Game Plan Said and ready!
  15. when are they usually leaked out?
  16. Hi! Just wondering if anyone has heard of any Black Friday Ads/Deals Yet? Ok thanks! Crystal
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