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Posts posted by nilla

  1. I do I do, my hubby has noooo idea the amount of stuff I have hidden in this house! Thanks goodness, I do however get the " you need to cut back on your Target trips " speech every couple of months, then I try to reign it in for awhile...luckily he gave me a $150 gift card to Target for X.mas so i got all my chrsitmas clearance and toy deals w/o him seeing it on the debit card :yup:.

    OMG - I thought I was the only one who did this. I have to rush home from Target to hide all my bags in my closet or attic - I even forget what I have bought sometimes.....I get the Target speech every couple of months too! You can't even open my closet without something falling on your head and heaven forbid he might need to go in the attic for something.......:eyepoppin

  2. Last day for the Luvs diaper deal with the $3 manuf and Target $3 coupon. Otherwise no deals. I had my little debbie coupons and the cashier was all set to give me a hard time for no reason saying, "if these don't scan I can't take them". Whatever, they scanned anyway. Also, the employees were "secretly" clearing out the childrens book section. I heard them on their cell phones calling people they knew to see if anyone wanted these books before they sent them to salvage. They weren't even clearanced yet. I picked up one and scanned it (Pirates) and it said no item found......she said you can't have that we're sending all of these books back. UGH! Being an employee has it's advantages.
  3. Deal of the day today at my target - Bratz Remote Control Ice Skating doll/rink. It was $49.99 marked down to $6.24.....obviously a christmas return - unopened and in perfect condition. I'll be saving this for next Christmas. Tennis rackets, Dora bat/ball, footballs, fishing poles all scan full price. Is anyone else having trouble with the Target UPC code link on the first page.....I get page not found message???
  4. FYI - I talked to a manager at JoAnn Etc. today and asked why our store didn't go to 90% off....she said from now on they are going only to 70% off because too many people wait for the 90% sale. They had a ton of stuff left....still at 70%.
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