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Everything posted by trayceigh

  1. I didn't really need any but I've always wanted some and I couldn't pass this deal up. $91 for UGGS- great find. THANKS:)
  2. Just got an email, now thru Sunday, anti bacterial soap 4 for $10 and body splashes also on sale for $5. You can get these online or in the store. Does anyone have any free shipping codes?? Thanks
  3. I have never usedd Simple Green, is it a cleaning product? How so you use it? What do you use it on? Thanks
  4. I also ordered the Senorita Margarita bath scrub... I have been wanting to try this stuff. Thanks OP
  5. Shanni, where do you find great deals on DVD's?
  6. I'd like to spend less than $100. Thanks for that link. I think the one posted for $89 at WalMart looks decent.
  7. My little nephew got one for Christmas and my Mom loved it. It would be great for her to have when her and my Step Dad travel. Her birthday is in 4 weeks so I want to get her one. Anyone know where any great deals are right now? Online or Offline?
  8. Wow, Dave Matthews cd's for a penny, what a great deal... Thanks for the replies. I'm looking forward to visiting this site often..
  9. I just joined about a month prior to Christmas and I certainly got some great deals this year becuase of this website. I'm curious if this website stays strong all year long? Do people continue to post great deals throughout the year? My New Year resolution is to get more organized so I"m hoping to buy gifts throughout the year with the help of this wonderful site. Thanks again
  10. I heard this dj on the radio talking about all these cool gifts she bought. She said she went to this website and you can type in a few things about the person and it will give you gift suggestions. I think that is a neat idea however I can't find anything online. Does anyone know of anything like this? Thanks
  11. OK Gottadealer's this is husband my husband just mentioned he'd like to have. He does a lot of repair work to computers and would like to find a micro vacuum or blower for dust bunnies that collect inside. Does Best Buy sell these? Where do I find one? I'm trying to look online but nothin yet..
  12. Thank You I need to run to WalMart for some other stuff so I'll look while I'm there.. Thanks
  13. I bought my Dad a pair of bedroom shoes (slippers ) to wear around the house and as i was wrapping them my husband said, "I'd like some of those". I bought these at Kohl's and Large was the biggest size they had which is for shoe sizes 10 1/2-11. My husband wears a size 13. So does anyone know where I might be able to pick up a pair this week? thanks
  14. I just saw this posted on another website. I hope it works for you. They didn't mention any expiration dates so good luck.. JCPenny online 20%: Use code: amigo Post back and let me know if it worked for you..
  15. Christina, did you find these coats in the store also?? I want to get one for my 2 nieces and I have a coupon.. Was the store price the same as the online price? Thanks,
  16. OK I am so lost as to what to get him. He's getting an Ipod Nano from his parents so I was thinking maybe a skin? SIL is getting him the IZ for the Ipod. I don't want to get an ITune certificate or anything like that. I want something unrelated to the Ipod, any suggestions? Thanks Also please post any online deals you think he would like too.
  17. Thank you for posting.. I sent this to my cousin who just bought a house and is trying to furnish it now. Great Deal..
  18. I know I've seen them on here this past week but now I can't find anything. I take it back, I did see the 5% off code but I"m hoping to find a bigger one. Anyone got any?? Thanks,
  19. Does anyone know where I can find a coupon online to use in the store for either of these 2 places? If you know a code for online use that would be helpful too. Thanks
  20. I showed this to my husband last night and we researched it on CC website and even on Kensington website. Neither website had anything for that model #. I was also wondering if perhaps the model # above was accidentally listed incorrectly. Can someone verify? If you find a link with that item it would even be better. Thanks
  21. Thank you so very much....
  22. Hi Everyone, I just joined and love this site. I've been lurking for awhile and have already taken advantage of some great deals you wonderful people post. I hope to be an active part of this site and in return help find great deals for all of you. I am looking for a discount code or coupon for Harry & David. Does anyone have one or know where I can find one? Thanks so much :)
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